Horst D. Deckert

2 BBC-Journalisten starben nach Corona-Impfung

2 Young BBC Journalists Dead From Mysterious “Short Illness” After AstraZeneca CoviShield Vaccine

„In a statement, Ms Shaw’s family said: ‚Lisa developed severe headaches a week after receiving her AstraZeneca vaccine and fell seriously ill a few days later. (…)

Interestingly, days after her death BBC reported that Lisa Shaw died in hospital after a ’short illness‘, with no mentiin of the vaccine whatsoever. (…)

Mr. Dom Busby received the first dose of his AstraZeneca vaccine on March 14, according to his Twitter page. He posted photos of himself receiving the injection.

The BBC reported that Mr. Busby passed away on June 10 after a ’short illness.‘ No further details were given with no mention of the vaccine whatsoever.“

Weitere Fälle:

„Recently, the Director at Oracle, Joel Kallman who designed CDC’s Vaccine Tracking System died two months after taking the COVID-19 vaccine shot.

Earlier, well known Indian actor and the Tamilnadu state’s ambassador for creating public health messages passed away a day after he received the COVID-19 vaccine.“

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