Horst D. Deckert

20 US Universities Still Require Covid Vaccine Despite Recent Studies

Despite a 620% increased risk of myocarditis and 175% increased risk of pericarditis documented in a recent study, a number of universities still require the exotic Covid injection technology to be present inside student’s bodies.

No College Mandates compiled a list of 20 U.S. universities that still require students to receive the Covid vaccination, despite an ever-growing list of medical research indicating that the gene therapy injections result in major physiological, psychological and reproductive destruction as well as death.

Both @waynestate and @SDSU finally dropped their ridiculous residential student C19 vaccine requirements and then there were 20. https://t.co/FXyuWjLfJI

— No College Mandates (@NCM4Ever) July 19, 2024

While the majority of U.S. universities required the injection for enrollment in the couple years following it’s initial rollout in 2021, three years on from it’s introduction and with the pandemic mania largely a figment of the past in American’s lives, the mandates have loosened at most campuses for most programs.

One of the strongest holdouts is medical programs at universities.

“Today, almost four years since the COVID pandemic began, nearly all U.S. medical students, nursing students, and students training in other health care fields are still being forced to choose between accepting continual booster doses of the COVID mRNA vaccines or being kicked out of their training programs,”  Dr. Clayton Baker wrote on No College Mandates Substack in March.

In other cases, lawsuits have led to court orders to dissolve Covid vaccine mandates.

While the dangers of the novel Covid vaccine were exposed in 2020 by the likes of Alex Jones, since its mass rollout to the majority of the global population and subsequent botched safety record, numerous medical studies have documented the ill-effects of the exotic technology.

Five years prior to the Covid pandemic captivating the world in a mask-wearing neurotic hypochondria mania, the exotic technology that the viral vector Covid vaccines such as J&J and AstraZeneca utilized were detailed on The Alex Jones Show.

One of the more recent studies documented neurological and cardiac disorders stemming from the mRNA Covid injections.

“…the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine is reportedly also associated with adverse events, notably cardiac complications such as myo- and pericarditis,” the study said in the ‘Introduction’ section.

The researchers found that in addition to heart disorders, nervous system disorders such as Guillain-Barre syndrome were substantially more prevalent in the Covid-vaccinated.

“…the risk of myocarditis, pericarditis, and Guillain–Barre syndrome were considerably higher in the vaccination cohort than in the historical control cohort,” the study said in the ‘Results’ section.

The researchers monitored 4.5 million individuals for an average of 15 months after they were injected.

“Researchers found a striking 620% increased risk of myocarditis and 175% increased risk of pericarditis in people who received the vaccine compared to historical controls,” John-Michael Dumais wrote in The Defender. “The study also revealed a 62% increased risk for Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS), a rare neurological disorder.”

While that study did not detect increases in long term autoimmune disorders, something that was within its key focus, other studies have reported increased autoimmune disorders stemming from Covid vaccination.

Still other studies also documented neurological disorders including Parkinson’s in Covid-vaccinated patients which can affect the eyes and cause death.

Cardiovascular side effects from the shots have been widely documented in study after study.

mRNA vaccine technology, also referred to as ‘mod mRNA’ or ‘mmRNA’ (modified messenger ribonucleic acid) in the Moderna patents is a genetic alteration-based technology first deployed publicly with the Moderna and Pfizer Covid vaccines.

mRNA vaccines work by encapsulating the RNA sequence of the Covid spike protein (the dangerous part of Covid, linked to HIV) into lipid nanoparticles which are able to deliver the RNA payload into the body’s cells. The RNA is then integrated into the person’s genetics so they will produce the Covid spike protein, which the body can then develop an immune response to.

Interestingly, the year preceding the Covid pandemic saw massive amounts of state legislation seeking to remove vaccine exemption for schools and colleges. States that subsequently fell victim to de-facto forced inoculation included Maine and New York.

The Covid shots are known to make people retardedincrease in lethality after repeated doses and double the death rate of Covid patients while vaccinated kids face a 4,423 percent higher all-cause mortality rate and 74 percent of the vaccinated who’ve died were killed by the shots, yet the death rate is still higher than what is reported and it also increases Covid infection rates and all cause mortality in addition to increasing the death numbers and resulting in tons of bizarre and unusual skin disordersmassive increases of insane and gross turbocancerscolon cancers, reproductive destructionmiscarriageseye paralyzationParkinson’s,  tinnitushepatitis, blood clots in the brainnon-serious disordersdeath by neurological disordersincreased excess death rates, autoimmune disorders in the thyroid, as well as deadly headaches, seizures and heart inflammation and irregularities including in children, while also causing the vaccinated people’s skin to ‘erupt’, in addition to a multitude of serious ailments seen in massive population studies while also containing hundreds of times the allowable levels of DNA contamination leading to mutagenic effects, contaminating the blood supply, as well as permanently altering the DNA of the vaccinated and their offspring, but while some batches are worse than others and Moderna kills 30 percent more than Pfizer, all the injections are still killing people and are expected to kill people for a very long time into the future.

In the U.S. the CDC recommends that all Americans receive their Covid shot and that young children receive extra, as well as that all Americans now receive another shot, despite receiving them previously, while Canada recommends another Covid shot for the pregnant, indigenous, ‘racialized’ & ‘equity-deserving’.

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