Horst D. Deckert

Cosmopolitan Magazine Promotes Satanic Abortion Ceremonies

Top fashion mag indoctrinates readers into satanism

A recent social media post and accompanying article by the fashion magazine Cosmopolitan created a massive backlash as it openly promoted “satanic abortion” rituals.

A Cosmopolitan Instagram post claims “patients of all faiths are welcome at” a New Mexico Satanic Abortion virtual clinic, sponsored by The Satanic Temple.

The article details the experience of a person named “Jessica” who allegedly had an abortion at the facility despite not being a satanist.

The Satanic Temple (TST) named the abortion clinic after Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito Jr.’s mom, calling it “Samuel Alito’s Mom’s Satanic Abortion Clinic.”

The name is a jab at the SCOTUS judge as he ruled in favor of destroying Roe v. Wade abortion protections.

There is no physical building for the “temple” and the group is instead just shipping abortion pills to New Mexico residents after a phone call meeting.

Since TST is defined as “a religion,” patients at the clinic are participating in a religious ritual despite the Cosmopolitan writer and Temple constantly claiming satanism isn’t a real religion and that they don’t worship the devil, also known as satan, the namesake of the entire operation.

It’s also worth noting a “temple” is by definition a building for religious worship.

Cosmo gaslit readers later in the article, writing, “Never mind that Satanists don’t actually worship the devil. There are no ritual sacrifices or quests for supernatural powers at TST. In reality, Satanism is a nontheistic faith in which TST’s roughly 1.5 million global members view Satan more like a mascot, one depicted not as a dark, omniscient deity but as a literary character—a venerable symbol of rebellion, rational inquiry, personal sovereignty, and resistance against tyranny.”

The whole write-up reads like an advertisement for TST, boasting, “Satan symbolizes activism too.”

The article is filled with Satanic artwork and at one point a text graphic moves to turn every “t” in the sentence into an upside-down cross.

How edgy!

Individuals taking part in the “satanic abortion ritual” are provided several tenets to recite throughout the process.

Both TST and Cosmo seem to be tricking women into unknowingly participating in a satanic ceremony by misrepresenting the abortion as “totally not a ritual sacrifice bro.”

This is the kind of filth being shoved in between articles about Taylor Swift and makeup being read by women and young girls around the country.

At least they’re finally admitting abortion is satanic!

Check out some of the backlash from X users below:

Haha if you didn’t already realize Cosmo was bad…https://t.co/8OEct7v8xD

— James Lindsay, against magic (@ConceptualJames) December 1, 2023

Cosmo magazine is now praising a “Satanic Abortion Clinic”

Not even kidding

They see it as a “religious” loophole to the reversal of Roe v. Wade

SHAME on Cosmopolitan pic.twitter.com/mWesGiEI9K

— DC_Draino (@DC_Draino) November 29, 2023

Disgusting..Please everyone with dignity and morals #CancelCosmo ?

Are these monsters trying to normalize satanic human sacrifice through abortions? For what purpose is this – please don’t let your children near Cosmo… https://t.co/b8OUCAxGAN

— Sara A. Carter (@SaraCarterDC) November 29, 2023

Cosmopolitan is out here posting about having Satanic abortion ceremonies. pic.twitter.com/IH0wilBwVw

— (L)auren (@SomeBitchIIKnow) December 1, 2023

.@Cosmopolitan who claim to be the “largest young women’s media brand in the world” promoted a “satanic abortion” ritual to empower women getting abortions. This is demonic. pic.twitter.com/1CJPXuFcxY

— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) November 30, 2023

@Cosmopolitan recently covered the story of a woman who performed a Satanic abortion ceremony after receiving abortion pills from ‘Samuel Alito’s Mom’s Abortion Clinic’, run by the Satanic Temple. pic.twitter.com/NthwG9fXYI

— Lila Rose (@LilaGraceRose) December 1, 2023

Don’t tell me “nobody likes or celebrates abortion” when you have @Cosmopolitan promoting satanic abortion rituals…

If you’re on the side of satanists, I’d strongly recommend reconsidering your position. pic.twitter.com/yjPLiVPBAH

— Anna Lulis (@annamlulis) November 30, 2023

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