Horst D. Deckert

Muslim Americans in Swing States Launch Anti-Biden Campaign Over Israel Support

Muslim leaders from Michigan, Minnesota, Arizona, Wisconsin, Florida, Georgia, Nevada, and Pennsylvania launch #AbandonBiden campaign to protest his handling of Israel-Hamas war.

Muslim Americans in key battleground states are gathering in Michigan to launch a campaign against Joe Biden over his backing of Israel during its war on Gaza.

Arab American and Muslim leaders from Michigan, Minnesota, Arizona, Wisconsin, Florida, Georgia, Nevada, and Pennsylvania are expected to meet in Dearborn, Mich. on Saturday to launch their #AbandonBiden campaign.

“This #AbandonBiden 2024 conference is set against the backdrop of the upcoming 2024 presidential election and the decision to withdraw support for President Biden due to his unwillingness to call for a ceasefire and protect innocents in Palestine and Israel,” the group said in a statement to Axios.

“Leaders from swing states will work together to guarantee Biden’s loss in the 2024 election.”

#AbandonBiden movement state of Florida press release #Hezbollah #Gaza_Genocide #Israel #Genocide_of_Palestinians #FreePalestine #FreePalestina #AlShifaHospital #CeasefireForNOW#غزة_تنزف #Gaza #Palestine #غزة_تنتصر #طوفان_الأقصى #مستشفى_الشفاء
#CeasefireNOW #israel #Gazapic.twitter.com/oQzSF7Vws6

— Zade Ali (@ZadeAlAli) November 28, 2023

Axios warned this anti-Biden campaign poses a serious threat to Biden’s chances of winning those key swing states in the 2024 election.

“Arab American and Muslim American anger could hurt Biden’s re-election prospects in most of the 2024 swing states he won in 2020, as those groups have been heavily Democratic,” the outlet reported.

This comes as polls show Biden losing support among blacks, Hispanics and young people, which are historically pro-Democrat groups.

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