Horst D. Deckert

Watch Alex Jones Explain the Globalist Depopulation Agenda To Tucker Carlson

Yes, the maniacs in power want to murder you and your family

While the mega-viral Alex Jones appearance on Tucker on X is chock-full of fascinating topics, perhaps the most important is the globalist agenda to literally kill hundreds of millions of humans so they can consolidate power ahead of the technocratic Great Reset where the elite believe they’ll become transhuman by merging with AI.

Jones told former Fox News host Tucker Carlson the psychotic New World Order plans on getting rid of 90% of humanity by 2045 via a twisted depopulation agenda.

“What do you mean, the depopulation?” asked Carlson, with Jones responding, “They want to bring the population down to 500 million.”

Ep. 46 The Alex Jones Interview


2:46 Alex Jones predictions
15:07 Deplatforming
21:59 Dividing us on race
25:37 The border
28:09 Austin
32:12 New World Order
42:09 Brian Stelter demon video
50:57 Depopulation
1:07:51 Food
1:13:51 Whiskey
1:16:22 Presidential… pic.twitter.com/IsJAQDUzDc

— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) December 7, 2023

The stunning warning may come as a shock to those who have been kept in the dark regarding the Great Reset agenda thanks to Big Tech censorship blocking voices like Jones.

Now, thanks to Tucker’s interview and Elon Musk’s X reinstating free speech online, millions of people are waking up to the eugenics agenda of the globalists.

Regarding how citizens can save their nations and humanity as a whole, Jones called for investigations into the traitors selling out their countries and eventually criminal trials.

With Jones trending on X following the release of the interview, thousands of users called on the Infowars founder to have his account reinstated.

Elon Musk noted he was open to the idea and admitted the initial reason for Jones’ X ban was “not valid.”

Will consider. In general, since this platform aspires to be the global town square, permanent bans should be extremely rare.

Also, if he does say something false on this platform, then @CommunityNotes will correct him, whereas that would not be the case elsewhere.

Let’s hold…

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) December 7, 2023

I will hear him out

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) December 7, 2023

That is certainly not a valid reason for suspension

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) December 7, 2023

Musk also seemed surprised at the amount of support for Jones, commenting on a poll, “I guess a lot of people want him unbanned.”

I guess a lot of people want him unbanned

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) December 7, 2023

Stay tuned for liberal heads to explode and internet river basins to be flooded with leftist tears if Jones is soon reinstated on X.

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