Horst D. Deckert

MELTDOWN: CNN Hatchet Man Oliver Darcy Loses His Mind Over Alex Jones X Restoration

Frustrated former Brian Stelter sidekick begs advertisers to leave X platform after Jones’ account was restored.

CNN correspondent Oliver Darcy suffered a hysterical meltdown after X owner Elon Musk restored the account of radio host Alex Jones, whose account Darcy was instrumental in banning.

Sounding off to his paltry Meta Threads audience, the former Brian Stelter sidekick lost his composure asking if advertisers would stay on the X platform after Jones’ account was restored on Saturday.

“Companies, news organizations, public figures, government officials, and all the rest need to ask themselves: Is this the platform they want to hangout on?” a pearl-clutching Darcy asked Sunday.

“So weird seeing people casually post on the zombie bird site as if everything there is normal,” Darcy also noted Sunday following Jones’ account restoration, referring to the Twitter/X platform which he stopped using in July.

In 2018 @RealAlexJones was banned on X for saying CNN reporter Oliver Darcy has “the eyes of a rat”

Today Oliver Darcy is melting down in front of his tiny following on something called “threads”

He is shocked people are still posting on X after jones was allowed back pic.twitter.com/xQlYIitMmm

— Gregg Re (@gregg_re) December 10, 2023

The CNN censorship czar also attempted to draw attention to Musk’s editorial control over X, despite Linda Yaccarino being installed as CEO earlier this year.

“Of note: This is yet another example as well of Musk, not Linda Yaccarino, being in charge and calling shots at X,” Darcy wrote on Threads. “Musk said he’d step aside and simply be the chief technology officer at the social media company. But that has clearly not been the case.”

In a longer screed, Darcy attempted to claim he was trying to hold Musk accountable for inconsistently applying X rules and for the past banning of journalists, when clearly his real gripe is with Jones personally.

“News outlets that are going to say Musk portrays himself as a ‘free speech absolutist’ really have a duty to their audiences to note that he has also taken steps to limit the free speech of his critics,” Darcy added.

It’s no wonder Darcy is infuriated — the banning of Jones’ and Infowars’ accounts was a crown jewel achievement that represented the culmination of his efforts to impose censorship on the social media landscape.

Facebook invited me to an event today where the company aimed to tout its commitment to fighting fake news and misinformation.

I asked them why InfoWars is still allowed on the platform.

I didn’t get a good answer.https://t.co/WwLgqa6vQ4

— Oliver Darcy (@oliverdarcy) July 12, 2018

The banning of Jones’ account on X, formerly Twitter, happened after Jones confronted Darcy in the halls of Congress as the Infowars host was in Washington DC to attend the hearings of then-Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey on censorship.

Alex Jones Seeks Answers From Jack Dorsey In DC https://t.co/RItZA9jsW6

— infowars (@infowars) September 5, 2018

During the confrontation, Jones told Darcy, “Those are the eyes of a rat,” which the Twitter platform claimed violated their policies on off-platform behavior and harassment of public figures.

Alex Jones is currently yelling at me pic.twitter.com/wNqCg9I6dt

— Oliver Darcy (@oliverdarcy) September 5, 2018

In honor of Tucker’s upcoming interview with Alex jones, a reminder of why Jones was banned on Twitter all the way back in 2018

He pointed out that CNN’s @oliverdarcy has the “eyes of a rat”

As The Daily Beast and Ars Technica reported at the time, that was the last straw: pic.twitter.com/obuupYPwQo

— Gregg Re (@gregg_re) December 7, 2023

Jones discussed the incident in recent viral interview with Tucker Carlson on X.

Alex Jones tells Tucker Carlson the real reason he was banned from Twitter 1.0:

“I bullied Oliver Darcy… he was literally on Twitter taking my sponsors, calling for me to be silenced, so he’s been attacking me.. all I did was shove a camera in his face while he was waiting to… pic.twitter.com/w1eu5tVuMt

— ALX ?? (@alx) December 8, 2023

Darcy’s epic meltdown was the subject of conversation on X.

Okay hear me out here. pic.twitter.com/Cq1XROJdCW

— Midwest Mom (@badlibtakes) December 11, 2023

Oliver is a joke

— The Yossi Schmidt Show (@YossiShow) December 10, 2023

How removed from reality must one be to mock X’s relevance, as it makes global headlines any time someone breaks wind over here, while posting on Threads, which everyone forgot Zuck released, including him?

— ?FranksRedHat (@FranksRedHat) December 11, 2023

Someone tell Rat Eyes that Mr. Jones is about to hit 1.5 million followers.

— Midwest Mom (@badlibtakes) December 11, 2023

@oliverdarcy did you try and let out a good cry ? Let them ? eyes leak baby !! ??

— MAGA COUNTRY ??? (@lefthas0class) December 11, 2023

Here is CNN’s Oliver Darcy with his pet cat pic.twitter.com/TsqcaiEnMT

— Gregg Re (@gregg_re) December 7, 2023

Not a fan of Alex Jones, but seeing the “They must be silenced!” crowd wailing about his return to X is rather enjoyable. The proper response to speech one doesn’t like is more speech, not trying to muzzle the speaker. https://t.co/36RThKtzOB

— Dave (@HootMn) December 10, 2023

Will the CNN hatchet man, like others before him, out of desperation return to X with his tail between his legs ostensibly to counter Jones’ “misinformation” on the platform?

The globalists are increasing their attacks on Infowars and the stakes have never been higher!

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