Horst D. Deckert

Satanic Goat Skull Idol Displayed at Michigan Capitol, Condemned By Only 9 of 54 House Republicans

“We believe that its presence not only contradicts the foundational principles of our nation but also promotes a public display of evil,” Republicans write to Michigan Capitol Commission.

Another Satanic goat skull idol has been placed on government property, this time at the Michigan State Capitol grounds with the blessing of Democrats.

Democrat legislator Samantha Skorka posted a picture of herself kissing the Satanic idol and mocking Christians with a tweet that read, “In the name of Satan, I claim the sexy satanic baphomet goat altar at OUR Michigan Capitol. Amen.”

The Satanic Temple of Michigan put up a Satan statue in front of the Michigan Capitol.

Michigan Democrat staffer Samantha Skorka @skorkasammi posed with it and praised it calling it “s*xy” before quickly deleting her tweet. The internet is forever!

.@MIHouseDems support Satan! pic.twitter.com/xiTN0hD1eu

— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) December 21, 2023

She quickly deleted her post following swift online backlash.

The Satanic idol, installed by the Michigan Chapter of the Satanic Temple in the name of “religious diversity”, has remained on the Capitol grounds.

TST members across Michigan united to create their State Capitol holiday display. Lansing’s TST Candidate congregation crafted the goat with help from TST West Michigan and TST Detroit.

Stop by the Capitol to view our Michigan congregations’ display! pic.twitter.com/xCdumh8NCs

— The Satanic Temple (@satanic_temple_) December 19, 2023

Nine Republican legislators led by Rep. Neil Friske wrote a letter to the Michigan Capitol Commission, tasked with overseeing the grounds, demanding the removal of the Satanic display.

“We, as members of the Michigan House of Representatives, respectfully request the removal of statue depicting a satanic goat from the grounds of the Capitol,” the letter began.

“We believe that its presence not only contradicts the foundational principles of our nation but also promotes a public display of evil.”

Bravo to @NeilFriske, State Representative from Michigan, for standing up against evil

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

Honored to know you and proud to have voted for you

Stand tall, Mr Friske https://t.co/RHNrv82TpJ pic.twitter.com/mruyQCoFIO

— Wid Lyman (@Wid_Lyman) December 22, 2023

Christian Michigan Rep. Josh Schriver (R), one of the letter’s co-signers, has condemned the Satanic display on social media.

“You essentially have a statue of Satan – who lies, steals, kills, and destroys – authorized to appear on the Capitol steps during this Christmas season with a disclaimer from the Capitol itself, right next to the Nativity that celebrates the coming of the savior of the world, Jesus Christ,” Shriver said.

In the name of Jesus Christ, I rebuke the sadistic satanic baphomet goat altar at OUR Michigan Capitol. Amen. pic.twitter.com/WDJlUqbG94

— Rep. Josh Schriver (@repjoshschriver) December 19, 2023

Notably, there are 54 Republicans in the Michigan House, meaning 45 of them did NOT sign onto the letter protesting the Satanic idol.

Even more unbelievably, the Commission unanimously banned almost all guns from the grounds in August 2023.

So your Second Amendment right is banned on Capitol grounds, but Satanic mockeries of Christian faith are allowed to remain.

This comes days after a similar Satanic idol was placed in the Iowa Capitol building by the Satanic Temple with absolutely no pushback by Republican lawmakers.

The Satanic statue was subsequently vanquished by a Christian military officer.

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