Horst D. Deckert

Ramaswamy Calls on GOP Candidates to Boycott States That Remove Trump from Ballot

‘I’m concerned that they will not allow [Trump] to get anywhere near the start line of the election let alone the finish line,’ says GOP presidential candidate.

Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy challenged his fellow GOP candidates to pull their names from states that move to boot former President Donald Trump from their primary ballots.

“I think this is blatant election interference in the GOP primary by the left,” Ramaswamy told Fox News’ Pete Hegseth earlier this week.

“And I think one way Republicans can protect ourselves, and that’s why very led the way in doing it, is by saying that any state that removes Donald Trump from the ballot, none of us should be on the ballot because that then takes states like Colorado out of the GOP primary, which actually stopped them from engaging in this kind of election interference.”

Ramaswamy went on to say he’s disappointed other GOP presidential contenders like Nikki Haley, Ron DeSantis and Chris Christie haven’t followed his lead, especially considering the future of American elections are at stake.

“I’m sad to see that DeSantis and Haley and Chris Christie haven’t followed that. They are focused on collecting some microscopic number of delegates instead of standing for the actual integrity of our election,” Ramaswamy stated.

“My job is not to manage them. I’m going to lead this country with the same integrity I’m leading this campaign. We’ve got to be guided by principle, not short-term political interest. And in the long run, I think that is actually going to be the winning strategy. And I think next year there is going to be a lot of unexpected things that play out in 2024.”

The former businessman went on to predict the establishment’s objective is to prevent Trump from getting close to the end of the race, and underscored the danger this poses to future elections.

“If you follow where this road ends, my concern is they are not going to let certain candidates like Donald Trump get to the finish line and I think it’s really important that we play ahead of the curve to understand to not fall into the traps that the other side is laying for us.

“So I’m going to do my part to stand for the integrity of this G.O.P. primary: but at the same time we need an American first candidate to lead us to the next level. I believe I’m that candidate. Going to take somebody from the next generation to do this with fresh legs and I’m ready to lead the way.”

Ramaswamy reiterated his concerns in a follow-up interview with Fox News’ Kayleigh McEnany following the Maine secretary of state’s announcement Trump would not appear on the state’s primary ballot.

“This is not the action of one person, this is the action of an entire system that has an anaphylactic reaction to one man,” Ramaswamy said, “and I think they’re…making it clearer by the day. I’m concerned that they will not allow this man to get anywhere near the start line of the election let alone the finish line. And I say this as somebody who’s running in the same race as Donald Trump: this is not how we should want to win.”

A random person in Maine decides one day that Trump shouldn’t be on the ballot & there you go. It’s unconstitutional. It’s monarchical. It’s anti-American. But it’s happening. Time to wake up. pic.twitter.com/wsAzPVWbc1

— Vivek Ramaswamy (@VivekGRamaswamy) December 29, 2023

Ramaswamy also posted a short video to X detailing his concern over the Deep State’s attempts to deep six Trump’s campaign.

Open your eyes, people. That’s all I ask. pic.twitter.com/l64E5db5ks

— Vivek Ramaswamy (@VivekGRamaswamy) December 29, 2023

So far, Ramaswamy’s calls for others in the Republican field to abandon races that boot Trump have not be fruitful, with Ron DeSantis saying he would not follow suit because Ramaswamy’s action is “just playing into the Left” and that the US Supreme Court would likely overturn Colorado’s decision to remove Trump from its primary election.

“I’ve qualified for all the ballots, I’m competing in all the states, and I’m going to accumulate the delegates necessary. That’s the whole name of the game in this situation…But I do anticipate that that decision was political and will get reversed,” DeSantis added.

Speaking to Fox Business’ Maria Baritoromo earlier this week Ramaswamy admitted he was “disappointed” in his GOP opponents, confessing, “I have to say, I was disappointed to hear radio silence or worse from those other candidates who said they wanted to collect their delegates.”

Ramaswamy joined The Alex Jones Show Friday to discuss the open border, the 2024 election theft and more:

Vivek Ramaswamy Issues Emergency Warning: Southern Border Now A UN-Invasion Frontier pic.twitter.com/FKwlshzipP

— Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) December 29, 2023

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