Horst D. Deckert

Sanders: Dem Voters Will Return to Biden Because Trump Too ‘Dangerous’

“But there is no question, it is very hard for young, I think for most Americans to be excited about what is going on right now. The president has got to change course,” says socialist senator.

Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) claimed Democrat voters will ultimately rally around Joe Biden in the 2024 election because former President Donald Trump is “one of the most dangerous political figures in modern American history.

CNN’s “State of The Union” host Jake Tapper on Sunday pointed out how far-left voters are souring on Biden over his handling of the Israel-Hamas war and asked Sanders if he believes Biden has permanently damaged his “standing” with Democrats.

“Look, I think we will see what happens in November because the choice is pretty clear. Running against Donald Trump who I suspect will be the Republican candidate, is one of the most dangerous political figures in modern American history,” Sanders responded.

“So I think people will end up rallying around Biden. But there is no question, it is very hard for young, I think for most Americans to be excited about what is going on right now. The president has got to change course.”

Sanders argued that Biden must be more forceful with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who he claimed flouted Biden’s warnings not to indiscriminately bomb targets in Gaza.

“He has been very clear, he’s expressed his opinion about indiscriminate bombing. He’s asked Netanyahu over and over again to change course,” Sanders said. “And he said no, we’re going to continue doing what we’re doing. Unacceptable. You cannot give billions of dollars to a country that ignores your wishes, violates international law.”

This comes a day after hundreds of thousands of pro-Palestinian protesters marched to the White House and breached the security fencing, demanding Biden broker a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas.

Even Biden’s Democrat colleagues on Capitol Hill condemned his authorization of air strikes against Houthi militants in Yemen on Friday, calling the action unconstitutional.

Biden’s approval among Democrats has been sliding in recent months over his handling not just of Israel but also the Ukraine war, the economy, and the collapsed southern border.

And because Biden has no accomplishments to run on for the 2024 election, Democrats are resorting to decrying Trump as a “threat to democracy” while they feverishly scramble to keep him off the ballot in multiple states.

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