Horst D. Deckert

RFK Jr. Schools Howie Mandel On Covid Jab Efficacy & Lying Bureaucrats

Millions of Americans still haven’t accepted the massive scam pulled on them

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. joined the Howie Mandel Does Stuff podcast this week and delivered some truth bombs about the Covid jabs and the lies told by the political and media establishments as they were pushed on the masses.

? Howie Mandel Tries to Rewrite History on the COVID Vaccine & Immediately Gets Schooled by RFK Jr.

HOWIE: “They never said you won’t get COVID”

RFK JR: “I saw a tape yesterday of them all saying it…Can I play it for you?”

HOWIE: “Well, wait wait wait…It doesn’t matter… pic.twitter.com/Z7jgxSL0rV

— Chief Nerd (@TheChiefNerd) January 17, 2024

In a video clip going viral online, RFK explained the COVID vaccine was falsely promoted as being “100 percent effective” by the Big Pharma companies behind the shots.

Pushing back against the presidential candidate’s assertion the establishment misrepresented Covid shot data, Mandel said, “They never said you won’t get COVID. They just said it’ll kind of pull back the severity of it. So the fact is, that’s well proven.”

Kennedy quickly noted people such as Joe Biden, Dr. Fauci, Bill Gates, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, MSNBC host Rachel Maddow and others actually did say you wouldn’t get Covid if you got the jab.

“I didn’t see that,” Mandel said of the talking heads assuring Americans they wouldn’t get Covid if they received the shot.

When RFK asked if he could play a video of them making the false claim, Mandel and his co-host shouted, “Wait, wait, wait. It doesn’t matter what Rachel Maddow says.”

It’s too bad for leftists like Mandel that the internet never forgets because we have all the receipts below:

Let’s go back in time to 3/29/21

“No we know that the vaccines work well enough that the virus stops with every vaccinated person… The virus does not infect them…It cannot use a vaccinated person as a host to get more people.” pic.twitter.com/kwsDIPYl2E

— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt) December 26, 2021

“They never said you won’t get COVID”pic.twitter.com/eaFhK8101T

— Chief Nerd (@TheChiefNerd) January 17, 2024

Ohhh okay well then just ignore this compilation of world leaders and Fauci himself saying you won’t get covid if you get vaccinated.? pic.twitter.com/c8HD1iIrmc

— ??Unacceptable Canadian Girl?? (@AreOhEssEyeEe) January 16, 2024

“authorized for emergency use to *prevent COVID-19* in individuals 16 & older” https://t.co/RxwF2UXwDn

— Chief Nerd (@TheChiefNerd) January 17, 2024

Instead of showing them the video, Kennedy continued, explaining how the Covid “vaccine” studies were not up to proper standards and have been misrepresented.

The popular presidential candidate revealed the same data used to claim unvaccinated people were twice as likely to die from Covid also showed those who got the Covid jab were five times more likely to die of cardiac arrest.

Despite Kennedy spelling out his argument using Big Pharma’s own data, Mandel failed to grasp the concept that the shots may be killing more people than they’re allegedly saving.

The internet savaged Mandel for either lying or being forgetful about the Covid shot lies told by the establishment:

Howie Mandel tries to rewrite history on COVID vaccine, RFK Jr. immediately sets him straight! https://t.co/QAOSd6ey5n

— Bo Snerdley (@BoSnerdley) January 17, 2024

on covid vaccines-

howie mandel: we spin tv all the time! we tell people it was the no. 1 show on saturday nights…!

rfk jr.: your playing with people’s lives!

howie is a giant piece of shit pic.twitter.com/v9vdipvOmq

— мята ?? (@minttjulep) January 17, 2024

? Howie Mandel Tries to Rewrite History on the COVID Vaccine & Immediately Gets Schooled by RFK Jr.

HOWIE: “They never said you won’t get COVID”

RFK JR: “I saw a tape yesterday of them all saying it…Can I play it for you?”

Watch Howie squirm. pic.twitter.com/2O5tXtGVth

— Erin Elizabeth Health Nut News ? (@unhealthytruth) January 17, 2024

RFK Jr. to Howie Mandel:

The trade-off shown in the Pfizer vaccine trial was 5 heart disease deaths to prevent one COVID death.

So no, Howie, that was not a good trade-off. A heart disease death is as much a tragedy as any other death, obviously. https://t.co/Lb4SuFdPnq

— Dr. Colleen Huber (@DrCHuber) January 17, 2024

I have no idea if the numbers rfk jr is saying are correct.. but either way he made howie mandel look like a moron and kind of a pos lol howie basically said it’s okay to “spin” the numbers or trick people into taking a vaccine.. and that’s insane. pic.twitter.com/pgBkIAP7EC

— Gnome Army (@ryan_itsyaboi) January 17, 2024

Howie Mandel is honestly not smart enough to grasp RFK Jr’s point and it’s not a lack of mental capacity. It is a Bonhoeffer’s theory of stupidity situation. https://t.co/XWLF5tLodf

— Writers Against Woke Ideology (@AgainstWoke) January 17, 2024

RFK JR getting frustrated at Howie Mandel’s inability to understand the implications of the data set they’re talking about: Dude. Let me explain this to you like we’re back in Bobby’s World. Your silver bullet is probably killing far more people than it’s saving. https://t.co/JQdXy9ICqb pic.twitter.com/PDFTgA3OVT

— Douglas Ernst (@douglasernst) January 17, 2024

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