Horst D. Deckert

GOP Rep. Calls For Government Program To Compensate Vaxx-Injured Americans

‘We’ve exempted the pharmaceutical industries from liability, but that doesn’t exempt the federal government from liability,’ says Rep. Andy Harris.

Rep. Andy Harris (R-Md.) joined The Epoch Times in a recent interview where he called for an avenue to provide compensation for Americans injured by Big Pharma products such as the deadly Covid jabs.

Harris, who worked as an anesthesiologist at Johns Hopkins Hospital for almost thirty years, told Epoch Times Senior Editor Jan Jekielek Covid shots should be closely researched for long-term safety now that we’re not in the midst of the Covid pandemic.

“Normally a vaccine takes years to develop and you have several years of data before you approve a vaccine. Now, these were approved in months not years, so anybody who says they know the long-term effect of these isn’t telling the truth. They couldn’t possibly know it because we’ve only had them around for three years,” Dr. Harris told Jekielek.

“We’ve exempted the pharmaceutical industries from liability, but that doesn’t exempt the federal government from liability,” says @RepAndyHarrisMD.

“Let’s create compensation for these individuals. I mean, if they’ve been harmed by a government program—which was the COVID… pic.twitter.com/z97Q0ofzoW

— Jan Jekielek (@JanJekielek) January 18, 2024

The congressman continued, saying he’s especially concerned about how children are reacting to the dangerous shots as the Covid virus isn’t a threat to young people, while the experimental mRNA is likely far more dangerous for them.

When it comes to helping citizens who may have been physically harmed by the Covid jabs, Harris said, “Let’s create compensation for these individuals, I mean if they have been harmed by a government program, and which the Covid mandatory vaccination was basically a government program, the government should do something when they get a side effect of what basically was the government’s recommendation and we have to deal with that as Congress. We’ve exempted the pharmaceutical industries from liability, but that doesn’t exempt the federal government from liability.”

Hopefully the GOP rep. can rally his fellow politicians and get Americans the help they deserve after being duped by the establishment and injured by the faulty mRNA technology.

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