Horst D. Deckert

Nationwide Bus Tour Collecting Stories from People Injured by Vaccines and Covid Shots

‘Our mission is to give the people a voice so we can learn directly from them what happened when they were vaccinated…’

A 42-foot-long bus is driving across the United States gathering stories from everyday Americans about vaccine-related injuries and deaths. The non-profit organization behind the tour, Children’s Health Defense (CHD), founded by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., is providing a platform through the “Vax-Unvax” bus tour for Americans to contribute to a project they dub “The People’s Study.”

A representative for CHD told The New American, “Our mission is to give the people a voice so we can learn directly from them what happened when they were vaccinated or allowed their children to be vaccinated, and what happened when they didn’t. This includes all vaccinations — those on the recommended childhood schedule and those not there yet, like COVID shots.”

When asked if there was a common thread in the accounts collected, the CHD representative answered, “After four months on the road, we have discovered a disturbing trend involving people who didn’t take the COVID shot being, in the words of their loved ones, ‘killed by hospital COVID protocols.’ We’ve heard that same story at nearly every stop we’ve made.”

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