Horst D. Deckert

An Open Letter to House Speaker Mike Johnson

The border crisis no one is seeing in its full threat.

I urge ALL my readers to make every possible effort to get this open letter to House Speaker Johnson:

Mr. Speaker,

As you’ve recently disclosed, former intelligence officials and other professionals have sent you a letter warning of the true nature of the border crisis:

Large numbers of military-age men, from countries whose leaders have hostile intentions toward us, are coming into America through the open southern border.

What I want to tell you about is the true extent of the fentanyl crisis—which nobody, it seems, has stopped to calculate.  

You know how deadly the drug is.  But HOW MUCH OF IT has already entered the US through the border?  And how much damage and death could it cause?

Focus on this specific analysis, Mr. Speaker, and for all our sakes, make the facts known:

Fentanyl is an incredibly lethal drug.

Two milligrams is a deadly dose.  Two milligrams is the weight of seven grains of salt. 

Now follow the math—

Insightcrime.org, November 21, 2023: “Fentanyl seizures along the US-Mexico border have hit record highs, suggesting that, despite a supposed ban on production of the deadly synthetic opioid in parts of Mexico, a multitude of criminal groups are keeping production apace.”

“United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents seized 12,119 kilograms (26,718 pounds) of illicit fentanyl along the country’s southwest border with Mexico in the 2023 fiscal year, which runs from October to September. This marked a nearly 90% increase from the 6,397 kilograms (14,104 pounds) officials seized in the previous fiscal year.”

Let’s call the seizure an even 12,000 kilograms.

Remember, this is only the seizure total for one year.

12,000 kilograms equal 12 billion milligrams. (There are a million milligrams in a kilogram.)

With a lethal dose of fentanyl pegged at 2 milligrams, we’re talking about enough fentanyl to kill 6 BILLION people.

Again, that’s only fentanyl seized along the southern border during one year.

If we add in the fentanyl seized in the prior year, 2022, there is easily enough to kill every person on Earth.

And of course, no one knows how much fentanyl has slipped into the US through the border and has never been found.

The standard law-enforcement assessment is: however much we’ve seized, we assume much more has gotten through unnoticed.  

6 billion deaths.


Would you call that a problem?

An emergency?

A reason for the federal government to stand up and start shouting and actually DO something?

Do you think this rates some serious attention? AS IN: SHUTTING DOWN THE BORDER WITH 50,000 TROOPS?

Some would say, “Look, I realize this is a tough situation, but the HUMANITARIAN flow of immigrants into the United States MUST remain our highest priority.”

That happens to be the irreversible priority of the Biden administration.

You can rank that priority anywhere on a scale from ignorant to psychotic to genocidal. It IS genocidal.

The main reason people turn away from GENOCIDAL is the reaction: If it’s this horrible it couldn’t be true.

Which gets us nowhere.

Is all this sinking in yet?

—If THIS isn’t a reason for all 50 states—and the American people—to nullify the federal application of immigration law—complete insanity is prevailing.

Mr. Speaker: With these facts in hand, you can inform the American people what kind of border crisis we are REALLY facing.

You can describe the true dimensions of the foreign invasion.  

You can leave no doubt in people’s minds that this is the moment to defend America’s survival.


Jon Rappoport

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