Horst D. Deckert

DC Bias Revealed In Treasonous J6 Witch Trials

Take a deep dive into the sham J6 investigation

Washington DC is flexing its NWO muscle to brand average Americans rightfully fed up with a rigged election system as racist domestic terrorists.

Because at the end of the day, Washington DC is its own state. A corporation separate from these United States. A lobbyist hellhole seeped in corruption teeming with compromised ingrates licking the boots of globalism and fascism.

So when a survey conducted by Triton Polling and Research revealed that a DC jury pool refused to see the truth behind the January 6th political prisoners and instead opted to fuel the anti American narrative, it was clearly obvious that there is no justice in the District of Criminals and a change of venue is in order.

The poll revealed that mockingbird media did its job creating a biased narrative. As J6 protesters were branded as domestic terrorists, traitors, criminals, and insurrectionists. Although released surveillance video reveals otherwise. And instances of election meddling have rippled through the courts since that fateful day. Nearly 90% said that Donald Trump was to blame. Not the broken criminal election system. Nearly 70% said that Donald Trump supporters are racist. A complete fabrication. While nearly 50% agreed that the J6ers who stood up for our Country according to our founding documents deserve life imprisonment or death.

Even as a three-judge panel DC federal appeals court in Washington, D.C. ruled that Donald Trump does not have immunity from prosecution in his election case as a result of having been president at the time of the alleged crimes. The narrative to GET TRUMP and his supporters is crumbling.

It is those that setup this monstrous power grab that flies in the face of the Republic who deserve life imprisonment or worse.

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