Horst D. Deckert

As City Reaches “Breaking Point,” Officials In Sanctuary City Denver Begin EVICTING Illegals From Overcrowded Shelters

Shelters all throughout the Denver capital are filled to the brim with illegals as increasingly more of them flood in from across the open southern border, which the Biden regime refuses to secure unless Congress agrees to send billions more dollars to Ukraine and Israel.

Denver is so full of illegal aliens with no more room to house them that Mayor Mike Johnston, a Democrat, is suggesting that the city may have to stop accepting any more of them.

Shelters all throughout the Denver capital are filled to the brim with illegals as increasingly more of them flood in from across the open southern border, which the Biden regime refuses to secure unless Congress agrees to send billions more dollars to Ukraine and Israel.

Overcrowded shelters in Denver are having to turn away illegals and even evict the ones they are already housing. Meanwhile, Denver’s homeless population has nowhere to go as the shelters are overflowing with illegals that continue to pour in without end.

“I think our city is very close to its breaking point,” Johnston told “Fox & Friends” in a recent interview.

“And we’ve been talking to leaders in D.C. around the country about why we need them to take action here. I think we have successfully welcomed almost 40,000 migrants in the last year and – and we know what it takes to do this successfully, we just need that help.”

(Related: Many Democrat “sanctuary” cities are fed up with Texas busing illegal aliens there, and some are now calling for a border crackdown.)

Taking care of illegals is costly

In 2023, Denver provided assistance to some 38,000 migrants. As of last Friday night, 3,895 of them were staying in various city shelters.

“That’s an incredible number of people to shelter, support, feed, help with transportation, deal with case management,” commented Jon Ewing from Denver Human Services.

Johnston wants to see more federal money come to Denver to support all these illegals. He also wants there to be better border control to stop the endless influx of illegal bodies with nowhere to go and no money to get there.

“The things we need are – yes, we need federal dollars, but the most important thing is, we need, you know, work authorization for folks when they arrive,” he said.

“And we need those resources at the border so you can add more security at the border, and so you can help process those asylum claims so the folks that do arrive here can work.”

Johnston also said that Denver is contemplating putting a stop to receiving any more illegals, who will have to be bused to other cities because Colorado’s capital is full.

“We are considering it,” Johnston explained. “We have to consider all options, particularly if there isn’t any help from the federal government.”

In the meantime, Denver’s city shelters are being cleared out. Starting Monday, 150 migrants will be discharged from the various facilities until eventually all 38,000 migrants are completely out of the city’s 10 government-run shelters.

“The hope and goal is that we are able to connect the vast majority with housing, or at least as many of them as we possibly can,” Ewing said.

“Four thousand people when you have limited budget, when you have limited resources … very difficult to find enough housing as is, affordable housing as is, in the city of Denver – that’s going to be difficult.”

Prior to all this, Denver was a proud sanctuary city littered with politics and yard signs stating that residents “welcome their immigrant neighbors.” Now that these immigrant neighbors are flooding the city by the tens of thousands, Denver is realizing that its bleeding-heart policies are unsustainable and threaten to unravel the city entirely.

“Treating citizens as scum and illegal aliens as the chosen ones is the biggest disgrace I’ve ever seen in my lifetime,” one commenter wrote on a story about the way U.S. government officials are handling the illegal invasion.

The latest news about the crisis at the southern border can be found at InvasionUSA.news.

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