Horst D. Deckert

Ukrainian President Zelensky Claims He Didn’t Even Watch “Bulls**t” Tucker-Putin Interview

Gaining as much insight as possible into the leader of the country you’re at war with is probably a good idea

During a Fox News interview with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky this week, Fox journalist Bret Baier asked the Western puppet leader what he thought about American journalist Tucker Carlson’s recent historic discussion with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Zelensky bizarrely claimed his advisors had watched the interview and that he’d “heard some messages in media,” but not seen the whole thing.

He claimed he doesn’t have time to “hear more than two hours of bullshit about the war, about the United States, about our [Ukraine’s] relations and this interview with a killer [Putin].”

Zelensky calls Tucker Carlson’s interview with Putin “two hours of bullshit.”pic.twitter.com/Qjn4z61XiG

— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) February 23, 2024

It’s quite astonishing for the leader of a warring nation to admit on television he never even watched the most historic interview ever given by his adversary.

Also, calling Putin a killer is an example of the pot calling the kettle black because thousands of innocent Ukrainian citizens in the Donbas have been killed under Zelensky’s leadership in addition to the hundreds of thousands of citizens being killed in the war itself.

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