Horst D. Deckert

Report Claiming Intel Officials ‘On Edge’ Over Prospect of Second Trump Term Ruthlessly Mocked

Intelligence officials worried another Trump term “could lead to an unprecedented level of politicization of intelligence,” Politico claims.

A group of senior intelligence officials are “on edge” over the prospect of a second Trump term, according to Politico.

“Trump sought major changes at the intel agencies in his first term; former officials say he could be more radical in a second,” Politico reported Monday, adding another Trump term “could lead to an unprecedented level of politicization of intelligence.”

The prospect of a second Trump presidency has the intelligence community on edge https://t.co/hhZ7j6hwRm

— POLITICO (@politico) February 26, 2024

Soros shill Fiona Hill, who was instrumental in the Democrats’ first impeachment coup against Trump in 2019, said the former president “wants to weaponize the intelligence community.”

“‘And the fact is you need to look with a 360 degree perspective. He can’t just cherry pick what he wants to hear when there are so many U.S. adversaries and countries that don’t wish the U.S. well,’ said Fiona Hill, a top Russia adviser on the National Security Council in Trump’s administration who has regularly criticized his policies. ‘If he guts the intel on one thing, he’ll be partially blinding us,’” Politico reported.

Politico also downplayed the FBI’s false “Russia collusion” investigation into Trump, claiming that the probe (now known to have been masterminded by Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama) has tainted Trump’s impression of the bureau which it claims opens America up to Russian election interference efforts in 2024.

Andrew McCabe, the then-deputy director of the FBI, said the bureau believed that was necessary to keep with a directive from then-President Barack Obama to compile all intelligence U.S. intelligence officials had on Russian meddling. Featuring it in the appendix was meant to make clear that the Steele dossier “was raw, unverified, and did not represent the basis of our assessments,” he said.

Several individuals who spoke with POLITICO argue that decision was a mistake that tainted Trump’s view of both the bureau and the broader intelligence community from the outset.

The FBI “dug their own grave” on that one, one former intelligence official said.

Many believe Trump’s lingering sensitivity to the Russia probe later led his administration to underplay the Kremlin’s role in election influence efforts in 2020 — and would likely continue in a second term.

The Politico piece comes after recent revelations that former CIA Director John Brennan directed the “Five Eyes” foreign intelligence agencies to illegally spy on and “bump” 26 Trump associates before the 2016 election.

And let’s not forget the Deep State’s other anti-democratic efforts against Trump, including the DOJ’s Mueller probe, impeachments #1 and #2, and the letter from 51 intel officials dismissing Hunter Biden’s laptop just before the 2020 election.

Of course, this doesn’t even touch on the Biden regime and Democrats’ current politicized lawfare campaigns against Trump to prevent him from taking office again.

Politico’s story was brutally dragged on social media for misrepresenting that intelligence agencies for years have themselves fomented these coups against Trump in 2016 and throughout his presidency.

“Which intell people? The 51 member of the intell community who sent a letter that POLITICO published right before the 20/20 election FALSELY misstating that Hunter laptop etc was ‘Russian misinformation’ campaign? Are those the ones ‘on edge?’” journalist Greta Van Susteren wrote on X.

Which intell people? The 51 member of the intell community who sent a letter that POLITICO published right before the 20/20 election FALSELY misstating that Hunter laptop etc was “Russian misinformation” campaign? Are those the ones “on edge?” pic.twitter.com/hcF0MMJ8qN

— Greta Van Susteren (@greta) February 26, 2024

“Imagine taking these partisan clowns seriously,” another X user said with a screenshot of the New York Post’s article exposing the lying 51 intelligence officials.

Imagine still taking these partisan clowns seriously ??? pic.twitter.com/41tbMfJiB2

— ?? Mami Memes?? (@RunVictoria_) February 26, 2024

The intelligence community, after having been exposed for using fake intelligence to take down a president, now worries about that president politicizing intelligence?

Is this parody?

— Andrea E (@AAC0519) February 26, 2024

Considering how the intelligence community orchestrated J6
They should be nervous

— Cat Ryan (@CatQuestionsAll) February 26, 2024

The same agencies that pushed Russia Russia Russia hoax? Or the laptop from hell was Russian disinformation? It’s hard to keep track of all of the “intelligence agencies” hoaxes

— Cash Loren (@CashLorenShow) February 26, 2024

Oh yes! After all set up, spying, they’ve done to him?!

— Gordana (@GSchifanelli) February 26, 2024

The corrupt unelected coup should be nervous

— the Knowledge Spoon (@5thgen_warrior) February 26, 2024

The intelligence community, worried about politicization under a second Trump term? That’s rich. Who knew the intel community was now hiring comedians.

— Nicholas Giordano (@PasReport) February 26, 2024

Well, this is accurate in one sense. If you thought they were politicized during Trump’s first term, it will pale in comparison to what they’re going to do during his second term.

— Phillip Jackson (@PEJ1952) February 26, 2024

This is a rich theory by Politico, given the politicized overhaul of the intelligence agencies by Barack Obama and Eric Holder on their way out the door.

— Tosca Austen (@ToscaAusten) February 26, 2024

I still get shocked by articles like this one, but only for a split second. Then I remember how U.S intelligence officials along with a democratic presidential candidate and sitting members of congress conspired to fabricate evidence to usurp a sitting American president.

— Lisa Cappiello (@LisaCappiello08) February 26, 2024

51 former intel agents say hold my beer

— chris canio (@ChrisCanio) February 26, 2024

More than 7 years ago, Chuck Schumer warned everyone what was going to happen: “We have an opportunity. As the Chinese say, ‘Danger is opportunity.’ […] Let me tell you, you take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you.” pic.twitter.com/lgg88XYeHi

— Jim Hamilton (@Chaosity8) February 26, 2024

Yeah, they must be panicking in DC. As the weaponized justice department worries about the justice department being used against them, and the weaponized intelligence community worried the intel agency could be used against them.

Quite a dilemma.

— Jim Collins (@JimCollinsJr) February 26, 2024

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