Horst D. Deckert

Watch: AOC FLIPS OUT When Confronted on Israeli ‘Genocide’ at Movie Theater by Fellow Democrats

‘It’s f**ked up, man,’ AOC snaps at protesters asking her to use the term ‘genocide’ to describe Israeli war.

New York City Democrat Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez lost her cool Monday after members of her own party confronted her at a movie theater asking her to condemn Israel’s “genocide” in Gaza.

The incident unfolded at the Alamo Drafthouse movie theater in Brooklyn where pro-Palestinian protesters approached the Squad leader as she was leaving with her fiancé.

Footage showed the moment AOC fired off F-bombs at the protesters, complaining about their leftist tactics.

“You refuse to call it a ‘genocide,’” one protester wearing a face mask told the House rep. “It’s not okay to fund a genocide,” they added.

“IT’S FUCKED UP, MAN!” AOC has total meltdown when confronted leaving movie theater by fellow liberals who demand she say the word ‘Genocide’pic.twitter.com/dNsNhcLpRv

— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) March 5, 2024

“I want you to understand this is not ok,” she told one of the protesters, going on to accuse them of “lying.”

AOC went on to argue with the protesters, saying, “You’re gonna cut this and you’re gonna clip this so that it is completely out of context. I already said that it was and ya’ll are just gonna pretend that it wasn’t over and over again,” adding, “It’s fucked up, man.”

Meanwhile, progressive liberals on social media pointed out AOC never used the term “genocide” in reference to the Israeli-Gaza conflict.

AOC: “I already said that it was”

She didn’t, and Israeli media has been lauding her and Bernie for refusing to call it genocide. https://t.co/6olEbi8Xdu pic.twitter.com/T6kTT5XGQz

— cabral (@doctor_cabral) March 5, 2024

AOC refused to call it genocide less than a month ago, but folks have been trying to address her cowardice wrt Palestine for ages. When she came to Hawai’i SIX YEARS AGO during the Great March of Return, we warned her about Israel’s “slow-motion genocide” against Palestinians. https://t.co/jMKxup18fB pic.twitter.com/n9vbMsUR0z

— Victims of Capitalism Memorial Foundation (@karaokecomputer) March 5, 2024

Others noted the irony of AOC complaining about the protesters’ theatrical over-the-top antics, when she herself has stated the “whole point of protesting is to make ppl uncomfortable.”

“Activists take that discomfort w/ the status quo & advocate for concrete policy changes,” she wrote in a tweet during the height of the Black Lives Matter protests in 2020.

What’s interesting is that the protestor is using AOC tactics—wild gesticulations, theatrical demands—against AOC, who responds by amping up more of the same. She’s been outflanked to her Left, turned into a stock character who will eventually be replaced.pic.twitter.com/yMPCRH95XU

— Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️ (@realchrisrufo) March 5, 2024

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA https://t.co/18Pe9kUqk7 pic.twitter.com/8ykzoRVI1j

— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) March 5, 2024

The left has cornered itself in an untenable position and is now eating its own as it must simultaneously condemn Israel’s war in Gaza while at the same time supporting a Democrat president who backs Israel.

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