Horst D. Deckert

Democrat Gov. Orders National Guard To Inspect Bags In NYC Subways As Crime Rises

Typical leftist non-solution targets citizens instead of addressing issues contributing to crime hike

The unelected Democrat Governor of New York, Kathy Hochul, announced on Wednesday she’ll be deploying hundreds of National Guard troops and police officers to New York City subways to check travelers’ bags.

Hochul will send out 750 guardsmen and 250 state and MTA police officers to inspect bags of passengers due to the city’s rising crime rates.

JUST IN: Violent crime is getting so bad in New York City subways that Gov. Kathy Hochul is deploying 1,000 total National Guardsmen, state police & MTA police to patrol them.

Liberal policies have consequences.

750 members of the National Guard and 250 state troopers will now… pic.twitter.com/l6yn24CSN9

— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) March 6, 2024

She said, “I’m redeploying nearly 1,000 members of the New York State Police, MTA Police and MTA National Guard to conduct bag checks in the city’s busiest transits. You’ll start seeing them at the tables making sure that weapons are not being brought in working in concert with our New York State Police as well as our NYPD.”

“No one heading to their job or to visit family or to go to a doctor’s appointment should worry that the person sitting next to them possesses a deadly weapon. They shouldn’t worry about whether someone’s going to brandish a knife or a gun,” the governor added.

Of course, liberal policies like being a “sanctuary city” and letting criminals loose without bail are causing a hike in crime, not law-abiding citizens carrying guns or knives.

Popular social media account ALX pointed out the left freaked out when Donald Trump threatened to send out the National Guard during the 2020 George Floyd BLM riots.

Remember when Democrats had a panic attack when Donald Trump wanted to deploy the National Guard to stop BLM from burning down cities in 2020? pic.twitter.com/YhZ14vCT2i

— ALX ?? (@alx) March 6, 2024

Alex Jones and Infowars have long warned of invasive government checkpoints expanding beyond the TSA airport screenings and being set up at train stations, subway terminals and other places with large crowds.

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