Horst D. Deckert

Watch: First Footage Of National Guard Patrolling NYC Subway Following Gov. Announcement

Democrat-led tyranny isn’t coming, it’s here!

The first videos of New Yorkers having their bags checked by police and National Guard troops in Big Apple subways are beginning to surface.

“Martial Law” and “National Guard” were both top trending topics online Thursday following unelected New York Democrat Governor Kathy Hochul’s announcement of the scheme to intrude on average citizens instead of ending the leftist policies contributing to the rise in crime.

?? What crime has done to the New York subway

Meanwhile in Tokyo…none of this

Source: Freedom News TV pic.twitter.com/OFa1EEAmJ1

— Mario Nawfal (@MarioNawfal) March 7, 2024

Freedomnews.tv obtained the footage, which shows Americans going through bag checks guarded by armed police and national guardsmen when entering the city’s famous Grand Central Station.

An X thread by Lebanese-American activist and author Peter Daou, who comes from a family of lifelong New Yorkers, accurately explained why the security theater has nothing to do with real safety.

This is about conditioning the public to accept brazen violations of civil liberties and rights,” he wrote. “Instead of criminalizing poverty, homelessness, and mental health, we could use the billions spent on military/cops to help people and improve quality of life for everyone. Even for those who believe in policing, you could simply have safety officers in subway cars, rather than deploying the National Guard to violate Fourth Amendment rights.”

Daou then noted he’s been a Democrat for 25 years but refuses to “be silent when the Democratic Party does the exact same things they say Trump will do.”


I’m from a family of lifelong New Yorkers. I went to NYU in the 80s and have spent more than 35 years in Manhattan since then. And let me say this:

National Guard bag checks have NOTHING to do with subway safety. This is about conditioning the… pic.twitter.com/bvQIdjDOQ1

— Peter Daou (@peterdaou) March 7, 2024

Of course, when citizens took matters into their own hands like Daniel Penny or Jordan Williams, who each killed men going wild on NYC subways, the city’s leftist prosecutors threw the book at them.

Williams, who is a black man, avoided prosecution after a grand jury declined to indict him, while Penny, who is white and killed a black man, had amotion to dismiss his case denied by the judge.

Some people, like Newsmax host Todd Starnes, wondered if there is more than meets the eye when it comes to the sudden deployment and suggested the city could be secretly beefing up protection due to a terror threat.

They want you to believe the National Guard was dispatched to the NYC subway system to search bags for weapons. Or is it possible there’s been some sort of credible terrorist threat made against the city?

— toddstarnes (@toddstarnes) March 7, 2024

WAR: There are rumors Hamas is targeting NYC subways. As a result more than 1,000 national guard troops have been deployed. Have you heard anything from Biden or the MSM? pic.twitter.com/TJ0aOE2EcO

— @amuse (@amuse) March 7, 2024

This isn’t because of ‘crime’ – this is because of heightened terrorist threats – the FBI has been saying that for quite some time now. NYC has done this in the past. They don’t want to say that part out loud because there are so many undocumented that they can’t track. “In a…

— Rocket Science (@PattieMeyer2022) March 7, 2024

?Update: New York Governor using this subway excuse to cover deploying National Guard troops to NYC because of threats of a possible terrorist attack!! If you live in NYC please be prepared!! pic.twitter.com/7dZiwZpSTl

— US Civil Defense News (@CaptCoronado) March 6, 2024

Bruh you have military in the subway system and are randomly searching bags like you’re expecting a terrorist attack. https://t.co/7pHeHeBvrt

— Upstate Federalist (@upstatefederlst) March 7, 2024

? I keep thinking the National Guard was called out to prevent a terrorist attack on NY subway but they’re telling us it’s to help prevent crime in the subway-like fuck what’s happening above ground.

????‍♀️ pic.twitter.com/uknOkGNax7

— Freyja (@freyjababy) March 7, 2024

Predictive programming for a future terrorist attack on the subway. As usual select authorities will know about it in advance and will allow the attack to happen, they may have planned the entire thing themselves using “patsies”. https://t.co/4Hw37jzO0n

— Bitcoin Snack (@bitcoinsnack) March 7, 2024

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