Horst D. Deckert

‘Madness!’: West Is Conducting ‘All-Out Militarization’ To Defeat Russia, Serbian President Warns

The more clearly Ukraine forces are losing, the more unhinged and bellicose some Western officials become.

Last week we detailed that during Ukrainian President Zelensky’s visit to Albania where he appealed for more weapons from Balkan countries, he pushed the idea that all Western-friendly Balkan states should have a pathway to the EU and NATO. And at the same time French President Emmanuel Macron has been busy floating the possibility of Western troops deploying to Ukraine.

Albania is of course a chief regional rival to Moscow’s close ally and friend Serbia. Jahja Muhasilovic, a political analyst on the Balkans, had commented of Zelensky’s rare Balkan trip that “Albania is known to be one of the staunchest supporters of limiting Russia’s influence here in the region.”

“In a way, Zelensky’s visit in Albania is having that geopolitical connotation. He is probably counting on the Western Balkan countries not to help them militarily because they are limited, but through their lobbying part that they can play in continuing the armament of the Ukrainian troops,” he explained.

In fresh comments this weekend, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has weighed in and responded to ongoing calls from Western officials to urgently send more weapons to Kiev. Vucic has accused the West of pursuing a policy of “total militarization” toward defeating Russian, which puts the region and the world on the brink of disaster and stumbling to WW3.

What is happening now is madness,” he was cited in regional media as saying. “They all thought that Putin would be easily defeated. Now they see that this is not so.”

“The current trend is toward total militarization and a five-fold build-up in all respects,” the Serbian president said further during a visit to the Belgrade Military Technical Institute.

Vucic has also warned against European countries sending their troops to Ukraine to confront Russian forces, saying this would immediately and unpredictably escalate the war.

According to Politico on Friday, France is behind a new push for a serious ‘option’ of Western boots on the ground in Ukraine:

France is building an alliance of countries open to potentially sending Western troops to Ukraine — and in the process deepening its clash with a more cautious Berlin.

French Foreign Minister Stéphane Séjourné was in Lithuania on Friday, where he met his Baltic and Ukrainian counterparts to buttress the idea that foreign troops could end up helping Ukraine in areas like demining.

“It is not for Russia to tell us how we should help Ukraine in the coming months or years,” Séjourné said at a meeting chaired by Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis and attended by his Ukrainian counterpart, Dmytro Kuleba. “It is not for Russia to organize how we deploy our actions, or to set red lines. So we decide it among us.”

Coming off Macron first raising the issue at an international security conference last month in Paris, French FM Séjourné said further, “Ukraine did not ask us to send troops. Ukraine is asking us to send ammunition at the moment.” But then he emphasized, “We do not exclude anything for the coming months.”

It is these kinds of ultra-provocative statements which Serbia’s Vucic is precisely calling “madness” which sets the stage for nuclear-armed confrontation between Russia and NATO. The trend also seems to be that the more clearly Ukraine forces are losing, the more unhinged and bellicose some Western officials become.

Journalists who lied about this war have contributed to the growing possibility of nuclear war:
– Instead of seeking the truth, there has been relentless pressure for conformity to a Manichean narrative of good vs evil in which war is the path to peace and diplomacy is treasonous pic.twitter.com/6iKZl9rinP

— Glenn Diesen (@Glenn_Diesen) March 1, 2024

All of this comes as Ukraine is in retreat, following Russia’s capture of the eastern city of Avdiivka last month. Several other smaller towns and cities have also fallen, with Ukraine’s front lines in disarray. This has resulted in what might be called empty threats being issued from the West, as it sits helplessly while watching Russian forces advance.

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