Horst D. Deckert

‘Where Did America Go?’ Song Calls For Resurgence of the American Spirit For What’s To Come

Tim Thompson of The Unknown Outlaws performs song lamenting downfall of American way of life, calling for a reawakening of the spirit of 1776.

“Where Did America Go?”, performed by Tim Thompson of The Unknown Outlaws, looks back on the road America has taken under the control of the globalists and Deep State actors who want to bring the United States into the auspices of a feudalistic world government and erode the freedoms enumerated in our Constitution.

From the description:

Here is a very creative, dramatic, message filled music video for your consideration. The incredible song, lyrics, and images insight a sense of urgency hoping to help increase our country’s self-awareness of what is going on all around us, in our immediate surroundings.

To not let our freedoms slip away from us so easily. Holding on to what the American spirit was meant to be with everything you got! Especially for the sake of the many lives who gave every bit of their American spirit towards defending and preserving it!!!

At the time of this song’s advent, besides hoping to write a hit song, the intention was to hope for positive sociopolitical change. It has been said that the best thing an artist can do for themself is to write songs that are timeless. Timelessness was not a primary concern at the time of this songs construct. But, the fact that it has now practically earned itself the right of being classified as timeless, makes it more important now more than ever!!

To take to heart what others are suffering, and to see the changes or awakenings begin, starting within our own selves. This is Philip’s and Poobah’s original version of, “Where Did America Go?” Philip and Tim changed the original melody, but these are the original words. This song creation came while Philip and Poobah sat in the living room of Ms. Patty Green, pondering upon the means for this song one 4th of July in 1998.

There are other versions out there, but, in our humble opinion, these original lyrics are the best! Johnny Cash once told Philip that all a songwriter wants is to hear their song sung back to them. 

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