Horst D. Deckert

Rep. Jayapal Gaslights After Special Counsel Hur Confirms He ‘Did Not Exonerate’ Biden In Classified Docs Report

“You exonerated him,” Jayapal insists.

Democrat Rep. Pramila Jayapal (Wash.) gaslighted the American public during Congressional testimony of Special Counsel Robert Hur on Tuesday, insisting that he “exonerated” Joe Biden in his report detailing the former vice president’s retention of classified materials.

During Hur’s testimony before the House Judiciary Committee, Jayapal proclaimed that Hur’s report released last month “exonerated” Biden.

Hur pushed back however, claiming he did not, in fact, exonerate Biden at all, prompting Jayapal to cut him off and again assert he did exonerate Biden.

“I need to go back and make sure that I take note of the word that you used, ‘exoneration’, that is not a word that was in the report–” Hur began.

Rep. Jayapal: “You exonerated [Biden]”

Hur: “I did not exonerate him”

Rep. Jayapal: ““Sir, it’s my time. Thank you.” pic.twitter.com/q6w5Cq2vnG

— Greg Price (@greg_price11) March 12, 2024

“I’m gonna continue with my questions,” Jayapal interrupted before asserting, “You exonerated him.”

Hur responded: “I did not exonerate him…”

“Mr. Hur, it’s my time!” Jayapal snapped. She then resumed trying to argue that Biden is cleared of any wrongdoing.

But the facts, as Hur explained, found that Biden was guilty of wrongdoing, in that he “willfully retained” classified materials after serving as vice president.

“We identified evidence that the President willfully retained classified materials after the end of his vice presidency, when he was a private citizen,” Hur said during the hearing.

Special counsel Robert Hur: “My team and I conducted a thorough, independent investigation. We identified evidence that the president willfully retained classified materials after the end of his vice presidency when he was a private citizen.” pic.twitter.com/ms018Ar2xS

— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) March 12, 2024

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) sought clarification, asking Hur if Biden lied when he told the American people that he did not share classified materials with a ghostwriter.

“That is inconsistent with the findings based on the evidence in my report,” Hur replied.

“So it’s a lie, is what regular people would say. Is that right?” Gaetz asked.

“Yeah,” Hur said with a chuckle.

Special Counsel Robert Hur admits Biden was, in fact, LYING when he insisted he did not share classified information with his ghostwriter pic.twitter.com/K5qctTB4K4

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) March 12, 2024

To make matters worse for Biden, Hur confirmed that the ghostwriter who received classified materials from Biden was not authorized to receive them.

Former Special Counsel Robert Hur: “We have an audio recording capturing a statement from Mr. Biden saying to his ghostwriter in February 2017: ‘I just found all the classified stuff downstairs’…

…Mr. Zwonitzer was not authorized to receive classified information.” pic.twitter.com/JSEdakIYh6

— MAGA War Room (@MAGAIncWarRoom) March 12, 2024

In sum, Hur’s report concluded that Biden willfully retained classified materials after serving as vice president and shared them with unauthorized individuals, but ultimately did not recommend charges, citing Biden as “elderly” and “forgetful” with “diminished faculties” which he claimed would garner sympathy from a jury.

Watch the full House Judiciary Committee hearing:

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