Horst D. Deckert

Pentagon Anticipates ‘Mass Migration’ of Haitians Amid Chaotic Cannibal Gang Takeover

Leaked Border Patrol email also warns agency to brace for large influx of Haitian illegal aliens bound for Florida.

Defense Department officials testified that America may soon see a “mass migration” of Haitian nationals as the Caribbean nation descends into chaos after cannibalistic gangs took over the region.

During a House Armed Services Committee hearing on Tuesday, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) pressed the officials to answer “what we are doing to prepare for that wave and to ensure that these people are not paroled into the United States as the administration has done with people on the southern border, but instead are repatriated back at the dock at Port-au-Prince?” 

INCOMING HAITIAN INVASION: DoD officials testify before the House Armed Services Committee that the Biden Administration acknowledges there IS an anticipated mass migration from Haiti into the United States through Florida ? pic.twitter.com/Fo9XyR9v8n

— Rep. Matt Gaetz (@RepMattGaetz) March 12, 2024

Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense and Global Security Rebecca Zimmerman assured him that the DoD is “doing a number of things to ensure that we’re keeping track of the situation and we’re prepared,” but admitted that an influx of Haitian illegal aliens coming to America is a distinct possibility. 

“At the moment we have not yet seen large numbers, what we would characterize as a maritime mass migration, but we are alert to that possibility. I think you’re right that the driving conditions in Haiti could very well press more people,” she said.

Though Zimmerman said the Coast Guard has been made aware of the threat of more Haitian migrants, Gaetz said he’d spoken to the Coast Guard, who would benefit from “more naval vessels” and “DoD support” to address the possible influx.

“And because I think you correctly said that there is an anticipated mass migration here, there are specific legal authorities that we can access that I would implore you to access, specifically, George W. Bush signed Executive Order 13276,” Gaetz explained.

“And in that executive order, there is the ability for any president to designate an anticipated mass migration, and get gray hull naval vessels into the straits of Florida to deter that migration and then to reach Patriot those people before they get to Florida.” 

Additionally, border agents in Miami have been told to prepare for a wave of migration from Haiti, the New York Post reported Tuesday.

A leaked internal agency email revealed the border patrol is ill-prepared to manage the Haitian illegals coming to Florida and that they will likely not be sent back to Haiti.

“One landing will cripple the station and our ability to respond to other traffic,” the email stated.

“With the breakdown of the government in Haiti repatriating Haitians may not be happening for the foreseeable future,” the email read. “If this is the case, then the Coast Guard may not be stopping Haitian sail freighter[s].”

Nevertheless, a federal judge recently upheld a Biden administration parole program that would allow up to 30,000 illegal aliens into the U.S. each month from Haiti, Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela combined on humanitarian grounds.

Haiti has collapsed into chaos after over 4,000 inmates broke out of two of the island nation’s largest prisons, with the capital, Port-au-Prince, now under the rule of ruthless cannibalistic gangs, including a gang led by Jimmy Cherizier, who goes by “Barbecue.” 

Haitian Cannibal Gang Leader, “Barbeque” has a message for the International World Community #bbq #Haiti #Barbecue pic.twitter.com/RoeK0pbjPr

— Truth Slinger X (@TruthSlingerX) March 12, 2024

Haiti’s Prime Minister Ariel Henry resigned Tuesday in the face of political pressure over the escalating violence and disorder.

Since the Biden regime seems determined to cause as much chaos as possible via open borders, soaring crime, and runaway inflation due to reckless spending, it stands to reason it’s also perfectly content allowing hordes of cannibalistic foreigners to run amok in the country if it means advancing Democrat political objectives.

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