Horst D. Deckert

Want to Send Letters of Solidarity to Jailed Pro-Life Heroes? Here’s How

Send words of encouragement to the men and women who sacrificed to defend the unborn.

(LifeSiteNews) – Pro-life rescuers in prison have made — and are making — generous sacrifices on behalf of their unborn brothers and sisters.

One sacrifice is the company of likeminded men and women: Christians and other people of good will who share their conviction that innocent human life is sacred. By giving up their emotional support networks of family, friends, and colleagues, our pro-life heroes are in danger of a loneliness that can be felt even — or especially — in a crowded prison cafeteria or yard. And many of them are due to be sentenced to longer prison terms this May — up to 11 years.

For this reason, LifeSiteNews is encouraging readers once again to write to imprisoned American pro-lifers. We have obtained the latest information on where several prisoners of conscience are currently serving sentences for their attempts to save the unborn. Although it is almost certain your letters will be read by prison staff before they reach our brothers and sisters, it may be that your sentiments will touch and console their hearts, too.

Letters addressed to Joan Andrews Bell; Jonathan DarnelHerb Geraghty; Will Goodman; Lauren Handy; John Hinshaw; Heather Idoni; and Jean Marshall can be sent to the following prison until their sentencing dates beginning May 14:

William G Truesdale Adult Detention Center
2001 Mill Road
Alexandria VA  22314

Letters addressed to Heather Idoni can be sent to the following address until her sentencing on May 14:

Heather Idoni
jacket # 55267
c/o Securus Digital Mail Center – Northern Neck
P.O. Box 1279
Lebanon, MO  65536

Letters and cards for Father Fidelis should be addressed like this:

Christopher Moscinski
DC Jail
1901 D Street, SE
Washington DC 20003

Letters for Jay Smith, who is serving a 10-month sentence, should be addressed as following:

Jay Smith
Metropolitan Detention Center
P.O. Box 329002
Brooklyn NY  11232

LifeSiteNews asks that names and addresses of other pro-lifer witnesses in prison for rescuing our unborn brothers and sisters be sent to Senior Editor Dorothy McLean: dmclean@lifesitenews.com.

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