Horst D. Deckert

MAGA Hat-Wearing Chicago Woman Slams Dem. Mayor To His Face

‘We are the headquarters for the cartel and everybody knows it,’ declares angry resident.

A black woman in Chicago threw on her MAGA hat and called out the city’s corrupt Democrat Mayor Brandon Johnson to his face over an alleged misuse of funds.

NEW: Chicago resident wearing a red MAGA hat shreds socialist Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson to his face for requesting more money for illegals.

Epic ?

“We need that money in my neighborhood, we need that money on my block. So I’m asking ya’ll to use our tax money for our… pic.twitter.com/OZizIi0IEb

— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) April 19, 2024

The woman explained that the city of Chicago allegedly gave illegal immigrants money from an opioid settlement fund and suggested the money should instead be used for its intended purpose.

“We need that money in my neighborhood, we need that money on my block… The city of Chicago has millions upon millions upon millions of dollars to give to people who ain’t aid a dime into the tax base… So I’m asking ya’ll to use our tax money for our people, we need it,” she said.

“We got people leanin’, people rocking. We got overdosing, we got pass-out lines. You live on the West Side Mayor Johnson, you know exactly what I’m talking about… We are the headquarters for the cartel and everybody knows it. They sellin’ more drugs than the law can allow and y’all giving money back to them because they trafficked those people up here, so we paying them going and coming,” the woman stated.

It’s clear more and more black Americans are becoming fed up with the Democrat Party taking advantage of their votes and failing to follow through with helping their community or the country as a whole.

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