Horst D. Deckert

Scottish Woman Paralyzed by Covid Shot Says $150K in Compensation is ‘Woefully Inadequate’

56-year-old Clare Bowie from Dumbarton, Scotland was awarded the money through the government’s vaccine compensation program after she became unable to move from the chest down two weeks after taking the AstraZeneca COVID vaccine.

(LifeSiteNews) — A Scottish mother says the $150,000 in compensation she has been awarded after being left paralyzed from the chest down by the COVID shot is “woefully inadequate.” 

According to the Daily Mail, 56-year-old Clare Bowie from Dumbarton, Scotland was awarded £120,000 ($150,000 USD) through the government’s vaccine compensation program after she became unable to move from the chest down two weeks after taking the AstraZeneca COVID vaccine. 

“I was fully paralyzed to chest level, and it was spreading,” Bowie recounted. “I started to lose the ability to breathe and speak. It was scary.”  

Bowie’s symptoms began appearing just two weeks after receiving the COVID shot in April 2021. After six MRI scans, Bowie was diagnosed with acute disseminated encephalitis complicated by transverse myelitis, a condition that causes inflammation in the brain and spinal cord.  

As a result of her illness, Bowie was forced to retire from the Ministry of Defence administration where she had worked for 37 years.   

Steroids and other drugs worked to slow down her illness, and in July 2021, she could wiggle her toes for the first time in months. However, her recovery was slow due to muscle wastage. 

“I do physio every day, so I can walk,” she said, adding that now, three years after receiving the shot, she can walk about 20 steps.   

“But it’s actually enough to get me from my bed to the toilet and to my living room chair. If I am being perfectly honest, I am just grateful to be alive,” she declared.  

After losing her job and ability to walk, Bowie’s husband applied for compensation under the government’s vaccine injury program in October 2021. In February 2023, a year and a half after applying, the money was deposited in her account.  

However, Bowie revealed that the amount is “woefully inadequate” considering the impact the vaccine had on her life.   

“You think £120,000 is massive,” she said. “I’ve been in the civil service all my life, I wasn’t used to that money. But the bottom line is it doesn’t clear your mortgage and modify your house.” 

Unfortunately, Bowie is not the only one given inadequate compensation after being left injured by the experimental COVID shots.   

In Canada, pro-vaccine and Liberal funded CBC published a story featuring a Quebec man who developed a severe skin condition after taking Moderna’s mRNA experimental COVID-19 shot. 

Like many Canadians, the man is still waiting to receive compensation from Canada’s vaccine injury program, which has only paid out 138 of the 2,233 claims made to the program.  

LifeSiteNews has published an extensive amount of research on the dangers of receiving the experimental COVID mRNA jabs, which include heart damage and blood clots.  

The mRNA shots have also been linked to a multitude of negative and often severe side effects in children.  

Since the vaccine rollout, excess deaths have skyrocketed in countries where the mRNA vaccines were administered en masse. Similarly, CDC recently disclosed 780,000 new reports of serious side effects from the shot. 

The latest conservative estimate is that over 17 million worldwide died from receiving the injections, making this the worst man-caused medical catastrophe in history. 

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