Horst D. Deckert

How US Backing of the Neo-Nazi Azov Forces In Ukraine Subverts Peace With Russia

The US goal in Ukraine is not peace. It is not even a nationalist Ukraine. It is to ‘overextend and unbalance Russia,’ even supporting neo-Nazi forces to this end.

Editor’s note: The following article is Part II of a two-part series on U.S. influence in Ukraine and its relationship with the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion. Part I can be found HERE.

(LifeSiteNews) — The strong identification of Crimeans with Russia discussed in Part I highlights the complexities in the region, where linguistic and cultural ties significantly influence political allegiances. This backdrop of deep-seated Russian affinity set the stage for tense interactions between Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and the Azov Battalion in 2019.

When Zelensky spoke to Azov about peace five months later they defied him to his face. Zelensky went to Zolote, on the frontline in the then-Donbas war with Russian-speaking separatists in Ukraine, to demand Azov obey his orders to respect a mutual withdrawal toward a ceasefire.

The Kiev Post, which has transitioned to the “Kyiv Post,” reported this on October 28, 2002.

Zelensky had warned Azov they would have to retreat from the town of Zolote:

Andriy Biletsky, head of National Corps and the Azov Battalion, threatened Zelensky on his YouTube channel that more veterans would head to Zolote if the president tried to evict them from the town.

The U.K.’s Independent reported that “Biletsky threatened to send 10,000 fighters to Zolote to defend ‘positions won in blood.’”

Zelensky was committed to peace, but the extremist billionaire-backed battalions saw it as a betrayal. In a heated exchange, captured on video, Zelensky raged at Azov soldier Denis Yantar.

“You can’t issue me ultimatums,” he said. “I’m the president of this country. I am 42 years old. I’m no sucker. I came here to tell you to move your weapons away from the front line.”

Zelensky did get a ceasefire deal. There were angry demonstrations in Kiev by Ukrainian nationalists, flying the black and red flag of Stepan Bandera’s OUN-B – a man so extreme in his Ukrainian nationalism that the Nazis imprisoned him.

US backing of Ukrainian ‘Nazis’

This declassified CIA report from 1986, “To Catch A Nazi,” documents the Ukrainian nationalist movement in World War II, and its eventual absorption into a “New SS unit” in 1943. This was the SS Galizien, named after the western Ukrainian province of Galicia, the homeland of Ukrainian nationalists. Today, its capital Lviv is home to a statue of Bandera.

This unit was sworn to kill Russian Bolshevists. In its first action against them, it was routed and reduced from 11,000 to 3,500 men. Following this, it was rebuilt with Ukrainian former policemen and militia, and sent to terrorize Slovakian civilians instead of fighting the Red Army.

The curiously close relationship of the OUN-B’s second in command Yaroslav Stetsko to U.S. presidents in the years after the war is not mentioned by the CIA report.

Yaroslav Stetsko, former deputy leader of the pro-Nazi Ukrainian Nationalist OUN-B, shakes hands with Ronald Reagan in 1983. Stetsko’s ABN published this newsletter.

Stetsko and other Ukrainian nationalists have for seven decades been close to the U.S. state in its promotion of Ukrainian nationalism as a means of undermining Russian influence in its neighbor, which contains many ethnic Russians.

Stetsko traveled to Washington in 1981, speaking to members of Congress to celebrate“Captive Nations Week” – an anti-Russian event. He lead the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations, which the CIA reported on here in 1950.

The CIA report noted the ABN would be helpful in undermining Russian-Soviet power and talks of the need to fund its capabilities toward its useful role in a future war with Russia:

In case of war [with Russia] it is most essential to create and properly instruct a body of specialists for… guerilla activities… sabotage… intelligence [and] propaganda.

Mission accomplished.

The Ukrainian Insurgent Army was finally crushed by Stalin in 1951. Three years later, Khrushchev gave Ukraine Crimea as a consolation prize.

Peace is treason

The goal in Ukraine is not peace. It is not even a nationalist Ukraine. It is to “overextend and unbalance Russia,” as this 2019 RAND Corporation strategy paper states.

This is the reason that peace is treason to the leadership of Ukraine, which is the leadership of the U.S., which is the leadership of Israel.

In his inaugural speech, Zelensky said, “And this should be precisely our path. We must become the Israelis – in the defense of their native land.”

Israel has no plan for peace and its leadership has worked for decades to destroy any chance of it. Now Israel is locked in a zero-sum game. One side must annihilate the other. This is madness, but it is the vision of the Servant of the People, Zelensky.

Peace is treason to the anti-Russian “Nazis” who are now behind him, having shown him who is boss. Peace is treason to people like Penny Pritzker, who simply seeks to profit from the plunder of this ruined nation, and peace is treason to the U.S. State Department of Victoria Nuland and Antony Blinken. It does not care about the future of Ukraine’s people, nor that of Europe generally.

Nuland appointed the first government of Ukraine after the U.S.-backed coup in 2014. You can hear her discussing this with the then U.S. Ambassador Christopher Pyatt on February 4, 2014, in this widely reported leaked phone call.

All she cares about is keeping Russia out of Ukraine and Europe. If the U.S. has to destroy both Ukraine and Europe to achieve this, so be it.

If the State Department has to work with people who commit, and always have committed, war crimes – then so be it. In fact, the U.S. has supported Ukrainian “neo-Nazis” for seven decades in order to use them to undermine Russian influence among Russian speaking people, in provinces which are historically Russian.

How does this advance the U.S. national interest? Who profits from this?

How does this fit into the narrative of World War II, the invocation of which tells us that Putin is Hitler?

If this sounds farfetched, ask yourself why Zelensky was present at the D-Day commemoration. He is no longer the president. His term has run out and he has canceled the elections. Despite all his money, he cannot buy a suit. Finally, the Russian-hating Ukrainian nationalists fought against the allies and with Hitler.

The transition to a post-sane politics is best symbolized by this recent picture of former U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who likes to portray himself as Churchill:

Boris ‘Churchill’ Johnson as seen by the Spectator, July 2022.

In 2022, he personally sabotaged a peace deal that Zelensky had signed with the Russians, giving them Crimea, and the Donbas autonomy. It is a deal that was witnessed by then-Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and the Turkish government in Istanbul.

Last month, Boris “Churchill” Johnson was pictured holding up the flag of the Azov Battalion in the British Houses of Parliament. He praised the Azov Battalion to their faces, and praised efforts to start World War III by firing NATO missiles at Russia.

450,000 British died during WW2 to defeat Nazi Germany. This week Boris Johnson welcomed the Ukrainian neo-Nazi Azov Battalion as “heroes” in London. No respect for those who died to stop the Nazi ideology. Now the UK Govt is using Nazis to kill Russians. pic.twitter.com/4tMq7N8npr

— Kim Dotcom (@KimDotcom) May 24, 2024

That symbol on the flag is called a “wolf’s angle.” The Nazis of Nazi Germany were quite fond of it. The ADL lists it as a “neo-Nazi hate symbol.”

Regime loyalists have debunked the “neo-Nazi canard” of calling the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion neo-Nazis. Of course they have.

Noticing the obvious is a sign of extremism, especially when you notice obvious signs of extremism. Such as the orchestrated collapse of European society and industry, and the use of the law to destroy political opponents in the U.S.

What is obviously true is a conspiracy theory, of course.

If you would like to know more about the obvious Nazi symbols of the obviously neo-Nazi (but not anti-Jewish) Azov Battalion, historian Mark Felton has made a brief video explaining this.

No one has yet made a brief video explaining how Johnson or Zelensky can fight the Russian Hitler whilst waving neo-Nazi flags – in service of the transition of Ukraine from a nation into a big Israel, partnered with Jewish-Nazi private armies, inspired by two jokers playing Churchill.

It is so extreme no one would believe it.

Johnson gives Churchill the Churchill Award. July 27, 2022.

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