Horst D. Deckert

British Couple Killed To Make Witchcraft Potions in South Africa

Despite confessing to the murder and dismemberment of the couple, the prime suspect has been released

A suspect who confessed to the killing of a British couple and to selling their body parts for use in witchraft (muti) has been released by South African authorities.

Anthony and Gillian Dinnis, both in their 70s and originally from Kent, England, disappeared without a trace from their farm in KwaZulu-Natal’s Mooi River area on 30 August last year.

After their disappearance, their children began receiving strange text messages demanding money for their release.

The couple’s gardener soon became a suspect. He later admitted to being one of three men who kidnapped the couple, before killing and dismembering them. Their body parts were then sold, or planned to be sold, by the suspects.

Despite the confession, and being refused bail, the suspect was released on 13 June this year. The National Prosecuting Authority has said there is “insufficient evidence” to proceed with the prosecution.

The systematic murder of white South Africans, and especially farmers, has become on the most politicised issues in the country. Hundreds of attacks take place each year, and dozens are murdered. According to Afriforum’s 2022 report, there were 333 recorded attacks and 50 murders of white farmers in that year.

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