Horst D. Deckert

“The Dam Has Broken:” Donors Desert Biden

Biden has “almost no support” among the Democrat donor class now, says Whitney Tilson

Biden has almost no support among the Democrats’ crucial donor class, according to superdonor Whitney Tilson.

Tilson appeared on CNN with Erin Burnett on Wednesday and told her that Biden now has “almost no support” among big-money donors. Tilson said that for Biden, “The ship has sailed.”

Democrat mega donor calls on Joe Biden to quit the race: “The ship has sailed”

“There is almost no support remaining for him as a candidate.” pic.twitter.com/eyXOwMTRSI

— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) July 6, 2024

“I think that the dam has broken and that more and more people will come out publicly. I can tell you with certainty that as recently as last Friday and Saturday after the debate, there were quite a few people who felt like it was just an off night. As of today, I can‘t find anybody—and I am a hardcore Democrat and Biden supporter.”

Tilson went on to praise Biden for his achievements as a politician, but urged him to consider his position.

“I love Joe Biden. I respect the fact that he‘s an optimist, that he‘s a fighter, and that has served him well in the 52 years since he was first elected to the Senate. But it‘s different today, I‘m afraid. The ship has sailed and there is basically almost no support remaining for him as a candidate.”

Tilson added that “Nobody thinks he can beat Trump.”

Biden remains dogged in his insistence that he will remain president. In an interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos that aired on Friday, the President said that he would only give up his post, “If the Lord Almighty comes down and tells me that.”

Biden faced repeated questions from Stephanopoulos about his health and performance, and rebuffed them all.

“Are you the same man today that you were when you took office three-and-a-half years ago?” Stephanopoulos asked.

“In terms of successes, yes,” Biden said.

“I also was the guy who put together a peace plan for the Middle East that may be coming to fruition. I was also the guy that expanded NATO. I was also the guy that grew the economy. All the individual things that were done were ideas I had or I fulfilled. I moved on.”

“Do you dispute that there have been more lapses, especially in the last several months?” Stephanopoulos asked.

“Can I run the 100 in 10 flat? No. But I’m still in good shape,” Biden said.

There has been intense focus on the existence of a “Biden oligarchy” in recent days, after Axios admitted that a “small group of lifelong loyalists” are effectively running the President’s life and will decide for him if he drops out or not.

“This decades-long kitchen cabinet operates as an extended family, council of elders and governing oligarchy. These allies alone hold sway over decisions big and small in Biden’s life and presidency.”

The authors of the Axios piece identify this group as Biden’s wife, his younger sister, the President’s advisor Ted Kaufman and “a small band of White House advisers.”

There have also been further damaging revelations about the President’s health and the extent to which his decline has been hidden from the public. It has now emerged that Biden met a Parkinson’s specialist at the White House at least nine times since July 2023.

Although five House Democrats have now called for Biden to resign, no potential replacement has thrown their hat into the ring as yet. Kamala Harris, Gavin Newsom and Michelle Obama have all denied any interest in replacing the President.

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