Horst D. Deckert

KJP & Kirby Raise Eyebrows After Claiming Joe Biden Will Hold ‘Big Boy’ Press Conference

“One way to stop getting people to focus on [Biden] being 81 and possibly having issues with his acuity is just to call him a big boy,” Fox News reporter Peter Doocy mocks.

Biden lackeys Karine Jean-Pierre and John Kirby bizarrely claimed Joe Biden will hold a “big boy” press conference in the coming days, raising eyebrows among those questioning his mental acuity.

After clearing the term with Jean-Pierre, White House National Security Communications Advisor Kirby stated that Biden will soon hold a “big boy” press conference to assuage skeptics concerned about his cognitive state.

“The president will hold a conference — I guess a ‘big boy’ press conference, we’re calling it — and take questions from you all,” Kirby smirked at reporters during a briefing Monday.

JUST IN: Both Karine Jean-Pierre and John Kirby refer to President Biden’s upcoming press conference as a “Big Boy” press conference.


KJP: “This week, President Biden will… hold a press conference, a Big Boy press conference.”

Kirby: “After that the president will… pic.twitter.com/gJf3k2cIgz

— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) July 8, 2024

Biden press secretary Jean-Pierre used the same “big boy” press conference term when explaining Biden’s upcoming schedule this week.

At the same briefing, Kirby insisted that the Joe Biden the world saw stumbling, bumbling, and freezing during the presidential debate is not the same “commander in chief” he interacts with on a daily basis.

CBS’s @EdOKeefe: “Have you, in your meetings with him, ever seen him appear similarly to the way he did on debate night?”

WH’s John Kirby: “Look, I’m a spokesman and the last —”

O’Keefe: “You have a lot of meetings with him.”

Kirby: “— I am. The last thing I’m going to do is… pic.twitter.com/Q5OsD3Mqpe

— Curtis Houck (@CurtisHouck) July 8, 2024

Kirby and Jean-Pierre’s effusive use of the infantilizing term “big boy” to describe Biden raised eyebrows online.

Fox News White House correspondent Peter Doocy joked, “One way to stop getting people to focus on [Biden] being 81 and possibly having issues with his acuity is just to call him a big boy.”

Peter Doocy: “One way to stop getting people to focus on [Biden] being 81 and possibly having issues with his acuity is just to call him a big boy.” pic.twitter.com/hoBy6GgzIO

— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) July 8, 2024

These people really sat down in a room together at the White House and said to themselves “you know what would really revamp the image of our dementia ridden boss? Telling the world that he’s giving a ‘big boy press conference.’” pic.twitter.com/liieFRVDCH

— Greg Price (@greg_price11) July 8, 2024

Who’s ready for the big boy press conference pic.twitter.com/hn6fjTuBDo

— Chaya Raichik (@ChayaRaichik10) July 8, 2024

Can you imagine the outrage if Trump had a “big boy” rally?

This is a new low and pathetic…

?? pic.twitter.com/EF3ex0zyzl

— Gunther Eagleman™ (@GuntherEagleman) July 8, 2024

Why does the White House continually refer to Biden’s solo press conference Thursday as his “big boy press conference”?

Jokes aside, that is very poor messaging at a time when they need to portray the President as in command, strong, and taking the lead.

— Kayleigh McEnany (@kayleighmcenany) July 8, 2024

“A big boy press conference?”

Our President has the mental and physical capacity of a preschooler.


— Eric Matheny ?️ (@ericmmatheny) July 8, 2024

This is how much Biden is trusted. Watch the looks they give each other!!??

Now John Kirby says Biden will hold a “big boy press conference”…

How terrified do y’all think they are to let that senile moron back in front of a microphone? pic.twitter.com/ZQWVQT8C0P

— SaltyGoat (@SaltyGoat17) July 8, 2024

Kirby and Jean-Pierre’s patronizing tone is similar to that of Jill Biden when she excessively praised Sleepy Joe after his disastrous debate.

“Joe, you did such a great job answering every question! You knew all the facts!” Jill said to her husband in front of a cheering crowd.

“you did such a good job you answered every question” ???

you get a gold star joe!


— Shibetoshi Nakamoto (@BillyM2k) June 28, 2024

It’s obvious Biden isn’t the one wearing the “big boy” pants in the White House, begging the question, who really controls the country?

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