Horst D. Deckert

Pakistanis Raping River Dolphin to Extinction — Report

Dolphins are not the only animal being raped in Pakistan.

According to a report on Red Ice TV, Pakistani men are raping their local Indus River Dolphins to extinction.

The men are said to enjoy having sex with the dolphins when they are young.

Pakistanis Raping Pink Dolphins To Near Extinction

What in the hell? This must be fake? … well, it’s not. It’s real. pic.twitter.com/OUQbAonRs4

— Red Ice TV ? (@redicetv) July 25, 2024

According to the report, the locals allegedly believe they are actually raping a woman who was turned into a dolphin.

Head of The Young Turks and former Democrat Congressional candidate Cenk Uygur said that he would legalize bestiality.

BREAKING: #Cenk2020 calls for legalizing BESTIALITY where you “are pleasuring the animal” in 2013. (Warning: Explicit Video)

Even TYT folks are like say “WHAT”???@peta @spcaLA #CA25 #NeverCenk #SexualAssaultOfAnimalsIsACrime pic.twitter.com/uc6hTAn7Ww

— Receipt Maven (@receiptmaven) November 26, 2019

“I believe that if I were the benevolent dictator of the world, I would legalize bestiality where you are giving, you are pleasuring the animal,” he said.

This is cultural enrichment that Cenk Uygur can speak to. https://t.co/42asBIenpr

— Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) July 25, 2024

The Aryavarth Express reported that Pakistani men are not only having sex with the endangered dolphin, but donkeys and dogs as well.

“There is an alleged tradition in rural Sindh of raping Indus dolphins, a subspecies of freshwater river dolphin found in the Indus river. The locals are well aware of the tradition but don’t dare to condemn it as it is a well-established tradition of the area and has been widely practised,” The Aryavarth Express reported. “’The locals liken Dolphin’s genitals to the sexual organ of women,’ the article titled ‘Disgusting tradition of having sex with blind dolphins in Sindh’ was published in Urdu blog HumSub. It goes on to allege that the extinct species is not only endangered by the polluted water but also because of SEXUAL ASSAULT.”

The article goes on to discuss how popular Pakistani search engine queries often include topics such as bestiality.

“Pakistan is top dog in searches per-person for ‘horse sex’ since 2004, ‘donkey sex’ since 2007, ‘rape pictures’ between 2004 and 2009, ‘rape sex’ since 2004, ‘child sex’ between 2004 and 2007 and since 2009, ‘animal sex’ since 2004 and ‘dog sex’ since 2005, according to Google Trends and Google Insights, features of Google that generate data based on popular search terms,” The Aryavarth Express reported.

It’s traditional in Sindh, Pakistan to rape dolphins because its genitalia resembles that of a woman.

Goats, cows, dogs, donkey, dolphins.

Anything goes when practising for 72 virgins in next life. pic.twitter.com/mg2Wf2HqPb

— Imtiaz Mahmood (@ImtiazMadmood) October 9, 2019

A 2019 petition titled ‘Stop Dolphin Raping Tradition in Sindh, Pakistan!’ on Change.org was filed to help put an end to the raping of the dolphins.

It has long been reported that Europe witnessed a rape epidemic when they begun importing massive amounts of third-worlders.

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