Horst D. Deckert

America’s Declining Education System — Toxic Culture

Mindset coach Mike Rearden joins Toxic Culture to discuss the decline of education in modern society and how to reverse it — tune in!

Mike Rearden is the owner of Reven Concepts, a coaching company with an emphasis on mindset.

Since 2013, Mike has led the effort to bridge the gaps of possibilities and limits in people while helping erase the limits placed on the minds of our youth and the next leaders of the world.

He joins Toxic Culture to breakdown how the world has changed from his school teaching days and how education is declining in modern society.

EP 12: Mike Rearden @RevenConcepts @toxiccult
America’s Declining Education System pic.twitter.com/lshwgsCPbJ

— InfowarsRob (@IWROB76) July 27, 2024

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