Horst D. Deckert

‘She’s Gonna Get Slaughtered’: James Carville Warns That Kamala Harris’ Horrible Record Will Be Exposed

“There is gonna be a time of struggle of definition as to who Vice President Harris is. And we better be ready for that,” says Democrat strategist.

Democrat political strategist James Carville warned his party that Kamala Harris will face an onslaught of political attacks exposing her record and past remarks that her campaign must prepare for.

“In the first 24 hours of Vice President Harris’s campaign, she raised a record $81 million. Democrats have been significantly less enthusiastic about Biden than Republicans for about Trump until now. What is the key for the vice president to sustain this excitement for her candidacy throughout the rest of the campaign?” PBS’s Margaret Hoover asked Carville last week on her show Firing Line.

Democratic strategist @JamesCarville tells @MargaretHoover the “key question” for the @KamalaHarris campaign will be how to sustain the enthusiasm she has generated in the first week.

“People wanted a different choice than #DonaldTrump and #PresidentBiden. And they got it.” pic.twitter.com/80tV0Fgs6l

— Firing Line with Margaret Hoover (@FiringLineShow) July 29, 2024

Carville cautioned against the Democrats’ initial enthusiasm for Harris, noting they were simply relieved that their candidate was no longer Joe Biden.

“That’s the key question,” Carville replied. “And the first thing is to recognize what happened. What happened was that people wanted something different and that she just projects the fact that she is, you know, excited about the future. And there was no policy that anyone was pushing and there was no particular group that was behind it. It was just a general feeling that people wanted a different choice than Donald Trump and President Biden. And they got it.”

The “Ragin’ Cajun” then warned that now the dust has largely settled with Harris being the clear Democratic nominee, Republicans and the Trump campaign will be quick to expose her record.

“And there is some good, not that…Look she’s gonna get slaughtered. They’re coming out…they’re coming,” Carville said. “And this is just part of that. Will be no different than it was any other time. And they have got to get up and get ready. And they’ve got to be able to defend and attack at the same time. There is gonna be a time of struggle of definition as to who Vice President Harris is. And we better be ready for that.”

“But I feel like we are in a better position today than we were Sunday morning. And we’re doing this interview on Wednesday. So I will take small victories where I get them,” he added.

Carville is right — Harris’ radical far-left record, lack of accomplishments, and string of policy failures are quickly being exposed:

WATCH: GOP Senate Candidate Destroys Kamala Harris with a Devastating Attack Ad that is Taking the Political World by Storm | The Gateway Pundit

This week, one of the Senate GOP’s prized recruits just laid out the perfect template for countering Kamala Harris’s rise and… pic.twitter.com/mxB5PZyqQg

— Owen Gregorian (@OwenGregorian) July 28, 2024

READ: In Her Own Words: Kamala Harris’s Radical Vision For America

READ: Kamala Harris Suggested Young People Shouldn’t Have Children Because of Climate Change

READ: Kamala Harris Hired Illegal Alien Who Attacked a Woman to be Part of Jobs Program While Serving as San Francisco’s DA

READ: Cover Up: GovTrack DELETES Page Rating Kamala Harris As Most Liberal Senator

WATCH: Flashback: Kamala Harris Cackles About Murdering Trump

WATCH: Kamala Harris Gives Support to “Defund the Police” Movement

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