Horst D. Deckert

Excess mortality shock in Austria: up to 33 percent increase from the age of 15

The research group Fact Sheet Austria has determined an enormously increased excess mortality among young men based on official government statistics. This excess mortality occurs especially within age groups that are vaccinated against Covid-19, although on the other hand they are practically not at risk from the disease. These figures do not appear in the public debate and system media bribed by taxpayers’ money.

A comment by Florian Machl [ Link to german version ]

Fact Sheet Austria has been working with high precision for many months on the preparation of data relating to the alleged corona pandemic. This time a topic has been published that makes the hair stand up on the back of the neck of the readers. The work of Fact Sheet is 100% transparent. The raw data was even made available in advance – and it originates from publicly available sources:

https://t.me/FactSheetAustria/190 – Here it is explained that the data came from Statistics Austria and AGES – there is also a worksheet there that clarifies how the data was processed.
https://t.me/FactSheetAustria/191 – The series of figures from Statistics Austria and AGES can be found here as a CSV file so that interested parties can retrace the calculations themselves.

Massive excess mortality among young men aged 15 and over

According to Factsheet Austria, it is evident that there is currently a massive death wave among young men aged 15 and over, which is not caused by the disease Covid-19. The alleged Covid deaths are listed separately. In figures: 194 young men between the ages of 15-24 died in Austria in weeks 1 to 40, 48 more than in the previous year. Only six of them had “Covid-19” as an accompanying diagnosis, so they died “of or with” the virus disease.

Also in the age group of 25 to 34 year olds there were exactly 48 more deaths than in the previous year. A total of 308 people died in this segment, nine of whom were diagnosed with Covid-19. In the group of 35 to 44 year olds, 42 more people died than in the previous year.

No significant change in women

Among young women, the number of deceased has fallen slightly or has stagnated. Given the large number of male people who died, this is also extremely significant for a small country like Austria.

Now you have to demand the greatest possible transparency from the government. All of this from the point of view that particularly ruthless politicians such as Peter Hacker (SPÖ) and Michael Ludwig (SPÖ) in Vienna are already demanding vaccination of 5-year-olds without any evidence or approval. Do we have to see statistics in the coming months where excess mortality also occurs in this age group?

Who are the deceased? We need to hear the voices of those left behind!

Who are the parents and relatives of the people who died in this way? These are not numbers in a statistic, they are all young people who have had their whole lives in front of them and have trusted the government’s promises that they will get their basic rights and freedoms back with the vaccination. It is of the utmost importance to the people of our country and the whole world that the relatives of the deceased tell their story.

We need to find out whether the deaths were due to the vaccinations or maybe they were due to natural causes. This is not possible without information and without transparency. Please contact our editorial team immediately at Redaktion@report24.news if you know of an unusual death of a young man, especially if heart problems or thrombosis were the cause. We guarantee you one hundred percent complete confidentiality and anonymity. But please spare other young people this terrible fate. No mother or father should have to bury their own child at such a young age.

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