Horst D. Deckert

Aid Package Airdrop Over Gaza Kills 5 After Parachutes Fail – Watch

Was this a mistake or intentional?

Footage shows the moment a massive aerial drop of supplies for people in the Al-Shati refugee camp in Gaza went wrong, killing five people, according to the Gaza Ministry of Health.

Several videos captured the moment parachutes carrying heavy loads failed to properly deploy and packages were sent raining down on people.

NEW: 5 people killed in Gaza from aid packages falling from the sky when at least one parachute didn’t open.

The aid packages were dropped by the U.S., Jordan, Egypt, France, the Netherlands and Belgium.

According to CBS News, two boys were among those who were killed and 11… pic.twitter.com/1Cm5WTGHDi

— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) March 8, 2024

BREAKING:? Airdrop to #Gaza Kills 5 Palestinians After Parachute Fails.

Who is responsible.?

Airdrops now killing Palestine’s people. #Palestine pic.twitter.com/mGeEWwIc62

— Hizbullah Fateh (@Hizbullah_Fateh) March 8, 2024

CBS News reports two boys were among the five people who died after the cargo planes dropped the aid packages, in what was allegedly an American operation.

In the video below, the man filming is nearly hit by several boxes that fell out of the cargo plane without parachutes.


After a parachute failed to open, humanitarian aid dropped from the sky crushing 5 in Gaza, including 2 children.

With aid causing stampedes and accidents, maybe a ceasefire is a better solution? https://t.co/KBCCZJAypH pic.twitter.com/QaXvm4bpmF

— Mario Nawfal (@MarioNawfal) March 8, 2024

The U.S. military dropped meals over Gaza last weekend and promised to airdrop more supplies in the future.

U.S. military cargo planes dropped more than 38,000 meals in pallets over Gaza on Saturday. The airdrop is expected to be the first of many. https://t.co/hWJ04DRaSI pic.twitter.com/8DpuV2zHDY

— CBS News (@CBSNews) March 4, 2024

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