Horst D. Deckert

Archbishop Viganò: „fresh and never frozen“ baby heads and other body parts bought from FDA

By JÖRG WOLLSCHLÄGER | In a short statement, the combative archbishop condemns abortions, which he says have the interests of the Deep State behind them. The interview appeared on The American Report [link]. In the USA, among the bishops, the consistent rejection of abortions based on faith is not an outsider position as it is in Europe, one is „more papal than the pope“ there and the majority represents the position that the church has always held.

For example, Bishop Strickland of Tyler, Texas, recently said that „pastoral care for Ms Pelosi is to tell her that she should not receive the body of Christ (communion) until she stops advocating the murder of unborn children.“ This statement came in response to the pro-abortion position of Pope Francis, who said that such pro-abortion politicians should not be banned from receiving communion [link].

I thank Pope Francis for his clear message that abortion is murder & that politicians should be treated with pastoral care. Pastoral care for Mrs Pelosi is to tell her that she should not receive the Body of Christ until she stops advocating the murder of unborn children.

— Bishop J. Strickland (@Bishopoftyler) July 5, 2022


Statement by Archbishop Viganò

„I read with horror the news released by New Watch President Tom Fitton that the FDA (US Food and Drug Administration) purchased ‚fresh and never frozen‘ baby heads and other body parts during the Obama era.

In the face of the horror of crimes that cry out for retribution in the sight of God, the time has come for the bishops of the United States of America to condemn the crime of abortion seriously and unequivocally, imposing excommunications on all those who betray the natural law and the commandments of God by acting in politics and in public institutions in ways that enable the slaughter of the innocent. Among these, without a doubt, is Joe Biden who, although nominally Catholic, has issued a decree recognising the ‚right‘ to kill innocent babies in the womb.

The American people, comforted by the historic Supreme Court decision, must regain their pride, dignity and trust in God, and must put an end to this massacre behind which lie the rotten profits of the organ trade and the unspeakable interests of the Deep State.“

Carlo Maria Viganò was apostolic envoy to the United States of America.

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