Horst D. Deckert

Biden Campaign Abortion Propaganda Dismantled

Democrats launch abortion fearmongering effort

The Democrats and their media lapdogs are simultaneously launching a new propaganda push on behalf of the Joe Biden campaign, this time focusing on the hot button topic of abortion.

The official X accounts for Biden and Kamala Harris both posted video ads on Monday pushing extremely misleading claims about abortion access and care in America.

“Donald Trump is the sole person responsible for this nightmare. Listen to Kaitlyn’s story in our new ad,” Biden wrote.

The Biden video features a woman named Kaitlyn Joshua describing being turned away from two emergency rooms in Louisiana when she sought treatment for a miscarriage.

Joshua claims she was denied service as “a direct result of Donald Trump overturning Roe v. Wade” before randomly noting he’s a convicted felon.

The Biden ad also suggests Trump “will let women and doctors be punished” for committing abortions.

Donald Trump is the sole person responsible for this nightmare.

Listen to Kaitlyn’s story in our new ad. pic.twitter.com/eWPr677fm2

— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) June 24, 2024

It’s worth noting Donald Trump did not overturn Roe v. Wade as that decision was made by the Supreme Court.

While Democrats are now using Joshua’s story to pull on the heartstrings of the American people, it seems as if her traumatic experience may be the fault of establishment media propaganda in the aftermath of Roe v. Wade being overturned.

Mainstream media unnecessarily instilled fear into some health care providers by falsely claiming they could be jailed for performing ANY abortions.

Meanwhile, the anti-abortion group Louisiana Right for Life has been at the forefront of exposing the strange and dangerous misconception by some practitioners that they’ll get in legal trouble if they assist a patient suffering a miscarriage.

Louisiana Right for Life Communications Director and Adoption Education Director Sarah Zagorski told the Guardian last year, “Even though Louisiana has some of the tightest restrictions against abortion in the US, Joshua was legally entitled to the care she sought under an exception to the ban which involves miscarriages.”

“It was just a gross misunderstanding of the law from the practitioners handling the case, unfortunately. The law itself is very specific about this. This should not have been how this happened,” she added.

So, practitioners are either being misled by left-wing abortion propaganda, or they’re purposely denying women care in order to make conservatives look bad.

The Kamala Harris campaign ad told viewers the Supreme Court “took a constitutional right” away from American citizens despite the fact abortion is not mentioned in the U.S. Constitution.

Wrapping up the brief ad, Harris said Joe Biden will sign off on abortion access if Congress passes a Roe v. Wade-style law.

Two years ago today, the Supreme Court took a constitutional right from the people of America — from the women of America.

Let me be clear: President Biden and I will never stop fighting for a woman’s freedom to make decisions about her own body. pic.twitter.com/d7gSYKbRlq

— Vice President Kamala Harris (@VP) June 24, 2024

Harris also made an appearance on MSNBC‘s “Morning Joe” on Monday, sitting alongside incest rape survivor Hadley Duvall.

The 22-year-old Duvall became an abortion rights activist after she was raped by her stepfather as a child, and will soon join first lady Jill Biden in Pennsylvania to support the Biden 2024 campaign.

Duvall told MSNBC viewers every woman in America’s “life is at stake in this election” because Trump will allegedly make all abortion illegal nationwide.

“If you have a woman in your life, her life is at stake in this election. It does not matter if she is 12 or 34… Women, we don’t get to choose a whole lot, and you at least can choose who you can vote for.”

— Abortion rights activist Hadley Duvall on the stakes of the election pic.twitter.com/61ygpJGeMT

— Morning Joe (@Morning_Joe) June 24, 2024

“[A Trump win] would mean the unimaginable. It would mean [women] have no options… It would just be one rule for everybody, and that would be no abortions. And that is a very, very dangerous world for women.”

— Activist Hadley Duvall on the risk of a Trump presidency for women pic.twitter.com/MeZCOkZKyQ

— Morning Joe (@Morning_Joe) June 24, 2024

Of course, Trump has repeatedly stated on the record the decision to prosecute people in relation to abortions should be left up to the states.

According to ABC News, Duvall was first sexually abused by her stepfather when she was 5-years-old and learned she was pregnant with his child at the age of 12 only to miscarry the baby about two weeks later.

The media narrative is that now, with the overturning of Roe v. Wade triggering “a near-total abortion ban in Kentucky,” other kids in a situation like Duvall’s might be forced to carry the baby.

However, since she suffered a miscarriage and aborting a miscarried baby in Kentucky is legal, the situation would have ended with the exact same result.

The media blitz comes on the 2 year anniversary of Roe v. Wade being reversed, and also signals the topic will be one of the top issues for the Biden campaign in the 2024 election.

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