Horst D. Deckert

Biden Chickens Out After Trump Accepts Golf Challenge, Offers Joe 20 Strokes & $1 Million Charity Donation

Biden campaign claims it wants no part in Trump’s ‘weird antics’

Presidential frontrunner Donald Trump told a huge Florida crowd on Tuesday he was officially challenging Sleepy Joe Biden to a second debate as well as an 18-hole golf match with a massive handicap in favor of the senile puppet president.

In a video clip from the rally, Trump told the crowd the DNC is trying to get rid of Biden but that they shouldn’t feel bad for him because “he weaponized government” and “he’s a very bad guy.”

Donald Trump challenges President Biden to second debate — and to an 18-hole golf match.

“What that match will do is prove that Joe is in fact, all talk and no action.” pic.twitter.com/qdD7WRZL9b

— NEWSMAX (@NEWSMAX) July 10, 2024

Trump offered Joe the chance “to redeem himself in front of the world” by participating in another debate this week to prove “he has what it takes to be president.”

“But, this time it will be man to man, no moderators, no holds barred. Just name the place. Anytime, anywhere,” he said.

“And, in the debate Sleepy Joe also declared that he wanted to test his skills and stamina against mine on the golf course. Can you believe this? Did you ever see him swing?”

Flashback clip of Trump mocking Biden’s golf swing:

Trump while playing golf: “You think Biden can do that? I don’t think so” ?


— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) June 28, 2024

Trump continued, “That’s why this evening… I’m also officially challenging Crooked Joe to an 18-hole golf match right here on Doral’s Blue Monster, considered one of the greatest tournament golf courses anywhere in the world, one of the great courses of the world.”

“It will be among the most watched sporting events in history. Maybe bigger than the Ryder Cup or even The Masters. And I will even give Biden ten strokes a side. That’s a lot. That means twenty strokes in case you don’t play golf. I will give him ten strokes a side and if he wins, I’ll give the charity of his choice, any charity that he wants, one million dollars.”

The golf feud between Trump and Biden began in 2016 when Joe allegedly told Trump “when he came into the Oval before he got sworn in” that he’d give Donald three strokes if he carried his own bag.

Biden told that story in March of this year during a Democrat fundraiser event where he joined former presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, and establishment comedian Stephen Colbert in an onstage discussion.

Then, during last month’s presidential debate, Biden again challenged Trump to a game of golf.

Claiming he got his handicap “down to a six” when he was vice president, Biden told Trump, “I told you before I’m happy to play golf with you if you carry your own bag. Think you can do it?”

President Biden and Donald Trump argue over golf in the presidential debate ? pic.twitter.com/sr7MVPnGwS

— The Wave (@_thewavetv) June 28, 2024

However, after Trump’s generous offer of a huge handicap for Biden and million-dollar donation to the charity of his choice, the senile puppet’s handlers responded by claiming the golf challenge is part of Trump’s “weird antics.”

Some X accounts responded with hopeful wishes an actual golf match would take place while others roasted Biden for backing down after initially launching the challenge.

Trump has challenged Biden to face him on the golf course. $1 million dollar donation to charity on the line. Forget the debates. This is what America wants ?? pic.twitter.com/MdBtiJUbXs

— Shooter McGavin (@ShooterMcGavin_) July 10, 2024

Donald Trump just challenged Joe Biden to a charity golf match for $1 Million and gave him TWENTY strokes pic.twitter.com/ZJ38Wc6dMu

— Barstool Sports (@barstoolsports) July 10, 2024

Biden: “Play me in golf, Jack!”

Trump: “Alright.”

Biden: “Play golf? I don’t have time for your antics!” pic.twitter.com/Vj0bU3ZzkL

— Bonchie (@bonchieredstate) July 10, 2024

So Trump just challenged Biden to a golf match. The Biden team responded mocking it and claims Biden “doesn’t have time” for these “weird antics.”

But it was actually *Biden* who initially challenged Trump at the debate to play golf with him! pic.twitter.com/HkOmBCVgfd

— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) July 10, 2024

I wonder if Biden knows that his staff just refused Trump’s challenge to compete in a golf match? https://t.co/1xLSonJop7

— Stephen Miller (@StephenM) July 10, 2024

Biden accepts Trump’s golf challenge so long as drop boxes are used to keep score. pic.twitter.com/rqNl3Ez3g7

— APOCTOZ (@Apoctoz) July 10, 2024

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