Horst D. Deckert

Biden & Harris Resume Taxpayer-Funded Secret Illegal Alien Flights into U.S.

Over 520,000 illegal aliens flown into the U.S. so far under the clandestine program — most to Texas and Florida.

The Harris-Biden regime has resumed its controversial secret program to fly in hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens into the U.S., according to reports.

After the Department of Homeland Security briefly suspended the clandestine taxpayer-funded program earlier this month, the Biden administration has resumed flying in illegal aliens from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela as part of its immigration policy.

The DHS claimed it had found no widespread fraud among sponsors but claimed  “additional vetting” has been put in place.

“Together with our existing rigorous vetting of potential beneficiaries seeking to travel to the United States, these new procedures for supporters have strengthened the integrity of these processes and will help protect against exploitation of beneficiaries,” the agency said.

Biden restarts immigration program for 4 countries with more vetting for sponsors https://t.co/aemr0NatmT

— The Associated Press (@AP) August 30, 2024

“Since the inception of the process, a very small number of supporters were found to have fraud or criminal issues warranting referral to law enforcement for investigation and/or appropriate action.”

So far, the program has allowed over half a million illegal aliens into at least 43 major U.S. cities, the bulk of which have been sent to cities in Texas in Florida, presumably to punish the red states.

From the AP:

The program launched in January 2023 and is a major piece of the Biden administration’s immigration policies that create or expand pathways for legal entry while restricting asylum for those who cross the border illegally.

The policy is aimed at countries that send large numbers of people to the United States and generally refuse to accept those who are deported. It is paired with commitments from Mexico to take back people from those countries who cross the U.S. border illegally.

Under the program, the U.S. accepts up to 30,000 people a month from the four countries for two years and offers eligibility for work authorization. To qualify, migrants must have a financial sponsor in the U.S. who vouches for them and fly into an American airport at their own expense, rather than crossing at the southern border. Those acting as sponsors and the migrants hoping to come to America undergo vetting by Homeland Security.

House Homeland Security Committee chairman Rep. Mark Green (R-Tenn.) criticized the DHS’s decision to resume the illegal alien flight program.

“Instead of scrapping the clearly flawed program, the department is allowing it to continue without rooting out the fraud or putting adequate safeguards in place to prevent exploitation by sponsors here in the United States. But fundamentally, there would be no fraud to prevent if DHS simply stopped importing 30,000 inadmissible aliens every month in the first place,” said Green.

Meanwhile, Democrat presidential nominee Kamala Harris pivoted away from her and Biden’s open-border immigration policies, claiming she now wants to build a wall along the U.S. southern border and clamp down on illegal immigration.

Nothing says “securing the border” like secretly flying in hundreds of thousands of unvetted illegal aliens at taxpayer expense!

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