Horst D. Deckert

Biden Regime Providing Travel “Loans” to Illegals Using Nefarious UN Migration Scheme

People from around the world are becoming illegal aliens in the US to gain taxpayer funded benefits.

As millions of American citizens struggle to make ends meet, the Biden regime is busy handing out “loans” to illegal alien migrants all around the world so they can travel to and enter the United States illegally.

A program of the United Nations (UN) IOM Migration Program, which works in partnership with the United States Refugee Admissions Program, the Biden regime is handing out U.S. taxpayer cash to illegal aliens at zero interest. Once in the U.S., these illegal aliens never have to pay back their “loans.”

According to the program’s website, the “penalty and interest-free loans” – which are not available to struggling American citizens, by the way – only require that illegals sign a promissory note prior to leaving their homelands promising to pay back the loan. Should they choose to never pay back the loans, there are no penalties attached.

“IOM arranges travel for refugees using funds furnished by the Department of State and is mandated to subsequently receive refugees’ repayments on behalf of the Department of State,” the website states, though again it is clearly stated on the same site that there are no penalties for non-payment.

“Repayments made are remitted to a revolving fund created between the Department of State and IOM for use by the Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration (PRM) to defray the cost of future refugee travel.”

(Related: The illegal alien invasion is part of 5th generation warfare, a form of attack that Dr. Robert Malone says Americans now face.)

Becoming illegal to gain benefits

Keep in mind that the U.S. Congress, comprised of both Democrats and Republicans, is responsible for funding this corrupt program using the hard-earned dollars of U.S. taxpayers.

“Why does the House fund these programs?” asked someone on X. “CALL your representatives and tell them to STOP funding the INVASION – make yourselves HEARD.”

“How is this not treason?” asked another.

Another of the stated goals of the UN’s IOM program, backed by U.S. taxpayers, is to protect illegals who arrive in America from being taken advantage of by “abusive and predatory lending markets for those without credit worthiness.”

When the program first started back in 1958, there were actual repayments required of arriving refugees, this being one of the conditions of entry. Today, illegals are basically being handed out PPP “loans” like the kind offered during the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “pandemic” that never had to be repaid.

A growing number of American citizens wants to know how they, too, can become illegal in order to benefit from such programs, seeing as how there is now more money and benefits being offered to illegals than to citizens.

“Is there no limit to how criminal the American government is?” asked someone else on X.

“This is treacherous actions against U.S. citizens,” said another. “Attempting to implement UN ‘migration rights’ with no respect for nation’s sovereignty. End UN membership. Toss them out of the U.S. Lock down ALL borders.”

Numerous others expressed confusion over how the elected leaders behind this program continue to operate lawlessly while “nobody does anything” about it.

“This is pure treachery and it has to be stopped,” expressed another. “They are using taxpayer money to pay the way for illegals to get here.”

Are there any such penalty-free, interest-free loans available to U.S. citizens, asked others? With inflation as sky-high as it is, many families could benefit from the free cash.

“Another reason NOT to extend the continuing resolution,” said another, referring to the temporary funding measures to keep the government going amid another debt ceiling crisis.

More related news about the illegal alien invasion can be found at InvasionUSA.news.

Sources for this article include:




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