Horst D. Deckert

Border Reporters Intercept Would-Be Gotaways In New Mexico

Border Patrol apprehends four illegals running through New Mexico desert after being alerted by reporters who spotted them

Illegal aliens sneaking into the U.S. were captured after authorities were alerted about their presence by border reporters in New Mexico.

While driving along a road near Sunland Park, reporters with immigration news outlet Border Hawk spotted a group of illegals running through the desert and immediately notified Border Patrol.

Agents arrived and apprehended four illegal aliens who were wearing makeshift slippers designed to help them avoid detection.

“They make these so they don’t leave foot tracks out in the desert,” reporter Wid Lyman explained while showing one of the booties to viewers.

On multiple occasions in recent weeks, Border Hawk has observed incursions along the southern frontier and relayed information to authorities.

“Border Hawk spotted illegals running into New Mexico and contacted Border Patrol who conducted a search via helicopter but did not find either subject. One fled back into Mexico upon seeing BP vehicles,” the outlet reported on April 9.

Border Hawk spotted illegals running into New Mexico and contacted Border Patrol who conducted a search via helicopter but did not find either subject

One fled back into Mexico upon seeing BP vehicleshttps://t.co/F1UdeCBKpU pic.twitter.com/wdAkHUSS7l

— Border Hawk (@BorderHawkNews) April 9, 2024

Days prior, Border Hawk cameras were rolling as approximately 10 people were dropped at a fence separating El Paso, Texas, from Juarez, Mexico.

After trying unsuccessfully to gain entry to the U.S., the group piled back into waiting vehicles and sped away.

Meanwhile, a Border Patrol agent sitting in an SUV mere feet away did not show any signs of concern or interest in the attempted illegal crossing.

We just learned that the reason Border Patrol agent took no action to deter these would-be illegal entrants is because she was taking a nap in her vehicle. https://t.co/BWAEsmLlAL

— Border Hawk (@BorderHawkNews) April 5, 2024

“We just learned that the reason Border Patrol agent took no action to deter these would-be illegal entrants is because she was taking a nap in her vehicle,” Border Hawk reported after the incident.

Border Hawk and InfoWars have been covering the Biden border invasion extensively for years.

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