Horst D. Deckert

Kategorie: Nachrichten

Kategorie: Nachrichten

Frankreich: Bürgerkriegsähnliche Zustände und ein ratloser Minister

In seinem wöchentlichen Nachrichtenrückblick hat das russische Fernsehen über Ausschreitungen in Frankreich berichtet, von dem ich bis dahin nichts gehört habe. Ob deutsche Medien darüber berichtet haben, kann ich nicht sagen, ich jedenfalls habe keine Berichte darüber gesehen. Ich habe den russischen Bericht darüber übersetzt und empfehle Ihnen, sich den Bericht – wenn möglich – […]

Gefangene ukrainische Kriegsverbrecher werden mit ihren Opfern konfrontiert

Donezk wird seit letzter Woche so stark beschossen, wie seit 2014 nicht mehr. Täglich schlagen hunderte ukrainische Raketen und Granaten in Donezker Wohngebieten ein, worüber ich bereits berichtet habe. Das russische Fernsehen hat in seinem wöchentlichen Nachrichtenrückblick eine Reportage aus Donezk gebracht, in der auch gezeigt wurde, wie ein ukrainischer Kriegsgefangener mit einem seiner Opfer […]

Kriegslügen der Ukraine aufgeflogen, Polen setzt Übernahme der Ukraine fort

In der letzten Woche sind einige interessante Dinge in der Ukraine geschehen, so hat sich herausgestellt, dass alle ukrainischen Meldungen über Vergewaltigungen durch russische Soldaten Erfindungen der ukrainischen Ombudsfrau für Menschenrechte waren. Den ukrainischen Behörden ist kein einziger belegter Fall bekannt, wie man eingestehen musste. Wegen ihrer allzu plumpen Kriegspropaganda hat die Rada die Dame […]

Enthronement of Lucifer and Pope „Conspirator of the One“

The infiltration of the Church by a „Catholic“ Freemasonry began more than two centuries ago. It reached its preliminary climax in a Black Mass presided over by cardinals on June 29, 1963, in St. Paul’s Church in Rome. The „new universal church of men“ consecrated to the Prince was to receive its Luciferian program through the Second Vatican Council. The Masonic social restructuring of the Great Reset according to the Chinese-Communist model is only one aspect, the religion of the occult orders, i.e. the worship of Lucifer and the negation of the Son of God Jesus Christ should become obligatory for all people.


The church is to be robbed of its supra-temporal mission and serve as a „universal church of man“ for an antichrist coming from the lodges of the Illuminati as a vehicle for his infernal counter-church, so the communist and high-grade freemason Di Bernado.


Screenshot: Dignity Order

„…the smoke of Satan has entered the Church…“

Triumphant quote from Paul VI (1897–1978) after Vatican II. Vaticanum [ Link, Link]

Wikimedia: Second Vatican Council

With the Freemason Paul VI, the Lodge had succeeded in installing one of its own on the papal throne and thus, after many setbacks, finally achieved the long-planned goal of destroying the Church; his predilections also made him easy to control. As a Soviet agent, Paul VI betrayed countless priests to the KGB behind the Iron Curtain. The Communists thus continued the subversion strategy of the Alta Vendita as a visible part of the lodge system. Numerous key positions within the Church were quickly filled by Freemasons, as evidenced by the initiations of cardinals and bishops that became public in 1976, a practice that undoubtedly continues under Pope Francis.

Long-Term Strategy: The Standing Orders of the Alta Vendita

„Our ultimate goal is that of Voltaire and the French Revolution: the complete destruction of Catholicism and even of the Christian idea […].

The work we are about to undertake is not the work of a day, nor of a month, nor of a year; it may take several years, perhaps a century; but in our ranks the soldier falls and the struggle continues.“

From the Standing Orders of the Alta Vendita, early 19th century.

The Catholic Church, as the most important religious and cultural institution in Europe, was riddled with its enemies from the beginning. Mass infiltration began from the early 19th century by the subversive Carbonari or charcoal burners in Italy.

To consolidate Freemasonry’s power over the Church after the scandalous pontificate of Paul VI, the conservative John Paul II was installed, who also implemented major long-term agenda goals such as interfaith ecumenism. There were attempts by the pro-Masonic Cardinal König (Vienna) to allow clerics official memberships in Mason orders, but this was stopped by the later Benedict XVI.

„I believe that this pope [Francis] is the realization of a plan that has long wanted to be adopted.“

Second excerpt from interview with Giacomo Galeazzi and Ferruccio Pinotti.

Valid Canon Law: Freemasons automatically excommunicated.

Francis‘ pontificate represents a culmination of the long-planned strategy formulated by the Permanent Instructions of the Alta Vendita. The Jesuit order to which he belongs is known for communist tendencies and its Illuminism. Pope Bergoglio openly displays his closeness to communism, a thoroughly Satanic-Masonic ideology.

Freemasons are still considered excommunicated under canon law and thus excluded from the temporal and supra-temporal salvation goods of the church, but a „fraternal“ course is being pursued not only in this matter; Satanic orders with high clerics as priests are said to have a significant influence on the church in the Vatican.

Still Freemasons are considered excommunicated according to church law and thus excluded from the temporal and supra-temporal salvation goods of the church, however, not only in this question a „fraternal“ course is driven; Satanic orders with high clerics as priests are to have a substantial influence on the church in the Vatican.

Enthronement of Lucifer: „willing instrument and conspirator of the One“

Wikimedia: Luzifer, Franz von Stuck (1890)

A few days after the election of Paul VI, an ordination was held in St. Paul’s Church, which belongs to the Vatican, for the ritual enthronement of the fallen archangel Lucifer. Cardinals and bishops acted as Satanic priests, and in a simultaneous Mass, in addition to two animal sacrifices (a puppy dog and a dove), a little girl was ritually abused by a cardinal in a „targeting chapel“ in Charleston, South Carolina, an important Free Masonry center.

Who do popes serve since Vatican Council II? The following excerpts from the ceremonial give information about it.

[…] Finally, Bishop Leo ended the first part of the ceremony with the great invocation, „I believe that tonight the Prince of this world will be enthroned in the old citadel and from there he will found a new community.“

[…] And its name will be the universal church of man.“

„On behalf of the Assembly and the Most Holy Elders, I henceforth declare, empower and consecrate this Chapel to be the Inner Chapel, claimed, appropriated and taken possession of by Him whom we have enthroned as Lord of our destiny.

Whoever, with the help of this Inner Chapel, is chosen and designated as the final successor to the office of Peter, shall, in accordance with his oath of office, consecrate himself and all that he does as the willing instrument and conspirator of the One who will establish a home for man on earth and everywhere in the human cosmos.

He shall transform the old enmity into friendship, tolerance and conformity, which will set a pattern for birth, education, work, finance, commerce, industry, education, culture, life and procreation of life, dying and dealing with death. Thus a new epoch of humanity is being shaped.“


“ Take possession of your enemy’s house. Enter where the ground is prepared for you. Descend to thy faithful servants, who directed thy bed, who erected thy altar, and blessed it with shame.“

Excerpts from the Enthronement Ceremony of Lucifer, June 29, 1963, in St. Paul’s Chapel.

Explanation: Occult ceremonies are secret according to their names. How did the Vatican insider and co-organizer of the Vatican Council II Malachi Martin learn about the ceremony, its infernal prayer formulas, its procedure and so on? One of the Black Mass participants made a detailed description on his deathbed and agreed to its forwarding to church authorities.

Globalist agenda of the „universal church of the people“

According to clerics, Freemasonry is „the mystical body of Satan“ and the Catholic Church is the „mystical body of Christ.“ The Vatican’s syncretistic efforts, that is, the unification of all religions, is said to be done through the lodges that control them, all of which worship the same God. Given Pope Francis‘ closeness to Freemasonry, or even claimed membership, it is not surprising that all of his objectives coincide with those of Freemasonry. In the end times, the Church is to serve an Antichrist coming out of the illuminated lodge system as a means of rule for his world government.

„No one will join the New World Order unless he or she makes a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he or she has received a Luciferian initiation.“

David Spangler

The Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Italy, Stefano Bisi and the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Italy, Luciano Romali, call vaccination the only way out of the so-called Covid crisis. Pope Francis had a conference on vaccination held in April 2021, calls it an act of love, and is enforcing the preliminary stage of direct compulsory vaccination, the „green passport“ at the Vatican by personal order. The head of the technical development department of Google, Ray Kurzweil is a transhumanist, who strives for a fusion of man and machine, the so-called Singularity which is to make all humans robots.

Transhumanism: Overcoming human nature as the ultimate goal

Transhumanism, which seeks to overcome human nature, goes back to Gnosticism, an early Christian sect for which creation and especially the human body is evil and sinful and was created by an evil god, the Demiurge. Only the spirit is good and must be freed from the dross of matter. The „G“ in the Masonic symbol, according to some interpretations, stands for gnosis and Freemasonry is the driving force behind transhumanism. This idea is being pushed by the Vatican under Pope Francis at various levels, even though it is in stark contrast to Christian teaching, according to which man was created in the image of God and the body is a temple of the Holy Spirit.

The ever new waves of immigration to Europe are imposed on the peoples by Freemasonry, this can be clearly demonstrated especially for the year 2015 with the aim of „undermining supporting elements such as fatherland, identity and people“. Auxiliary Bishop Athansius Schneider speaks of a plan to exchange the European peoples.

„The last rebellion against God“

Freemasonry demands abortions, actively fights for their state release and „liberal“ abortion laws. Even the Marquis de Sade called for abortions in view of the „cheapness of human life“ for population reduction. Religious motives, however, seem to be a main driving force in these occult groups, as Satanists see them as a cultic act (human sacrifice). On this issue, Pope Francis appears ambiguous or supportive of proponents. The pseudo-ecological climate agenda is intended to provide arguments for elite population reduction plans and is enthusiastically promoted by Bergoglio.

Screenshot: Moloch, mobile.twitter.com/SheepNoMore7/status/1288533490645032960/photo/2%5B/caption%5D

Satan is often depicted as a hermaphrodite with breasts and penis (Baphomet), and transsexuality seems to be understood, especially in the occult and related circles, as emancipation from a natural order perceived as oppressive. Francis has been the first pope to speak directly and indirectly approvingly of the pansexual LGBTQI agenda on several occasions and to take actions accordingly. This is understood by leading clerics as the „final rebellion against God.“

The counter-church is growing like a parasite on the true church, which has been cut off from its supernatural sources of power, the means of grace, by changing its rites and is degenerating as an emaciated shell into its organizational vehicle.

Landwirtschaftsreform – die üble Abzocke der Schein-Philanthropen

Sehen Sie in diesem Kurzvideo, wie durch aggressiv vorangetriebene Agrar-Industrialisierung ein gigantisches Bauernsterben provoziert und schlechtere Ernten, eine ruinierte Natur, sowie minderwertige, ja toxische Nahrungsmittel generiert werden. Wie bereits bei den massenhaften, tragischen Impfschäden und -toten im Zusammenhang mit der inszenierten Covid-19-Pandemie tut sich auch hier Bill Gates hervor, der hinter der Maske des Philanthropen gigantische Gewinne in die eigene Tasche wirtschaftet und dabei letztendlich einen Genozid vorantreibt.
Football match in Budapest – Because of slave kneeling: 35,000 Hungarian children boo English national team down

Football match in Budapest – Because of slave kneeling: 35,000 Hungarian children boo English national team down

By our Hungary correspondent Elmar Forster

National identity versus slave morality

Death of a gladiator 630x356-5.jpg?resize=300%2C170&ssl=1

England against Hungary

Tolerance in practice in the Hungarian national team.Ungarische Jubeltraube: Adam Szalai (Mitte) freut sich mit Siegtorschütze Dominik Szoboszlai (l.).

Nothing shows the difference between a decomposed Western slave morality from the spirit of political correctness and a national and individual resilience more clearly than what happened yesterday in Budapest’s Puskas football stadium…

For Western media, it is an unparalleled breach of taboo: The few who are not trying to hush up this multiple Hungarian victory – sporting, mental, historical – are hyperventilating right now as usual:

„Scandal in Budapest !“

„Despite the ban on spectators because of discriminatory behaviour of its fans, the stands were well filled at the Nations League home match of the Hungarian national football team on Saturday against England (1:0). Even worse, there were whistles from the stands and incomprehension from the players for the British kneeling.“ (Krone)

Hier der Link: twitter.com/i/status/1533117613869518848


Prime Minister Orban: „Well done, boys !“ (magyar nemzet)

Postscript: „You can even see it from the moon.“ – Sly historical context: the 60-year football victory occurred just on the anniversary of the Trianon Dictatorship Peace 102 years ago.

And thus, however, history always remains implacable with its question of historical truth: „100 years ago, some said correctly: we will be present at the burial of those who wanted to bury us.“ (Orbán) „Today there is no Czechoslovakia, no Yugoslavia and no Soviet Union, no British Empire, no French Empire. And what is left of them is now spinning in the multicultural embrace of their vengeful colonies.“ (Orban) (Here is my analysis on UM: „100 Years of Trianon. The Broken Silence.“

„Menj vissza anyádba !“ – A Hungarian didactic play

At the same time, however, everything is also a lesson about sustainable Hungarian resistance against a decadent, arrogant, East-racist Western pseudo-morality that wants to impose its totalitarian political correctness on the whole world. The former will to resist has already won against the Turks, the Habsburgs, the Soviet Union and against billionaire Soros.

You just have to be able to wait… And show off Western Eastern racism with Schwejk´ian subversion… After all, last year the strictly political-correct UEFA initiated criminal proceedings against Hungary’s national team for alleged discriminatory behaviour: Two compulsory home matches were to be played without spectators. However, UEFA did not reckon with its Hungarian host. Because according to UEFA regulations, in the case of ordered „ghost matches“, even – as it seemed until then – only innocent children (up to the age of 14) are allowed into the stadium anyway, if they are accompanied by an adult.

After all, the Puska Arena was well filled with 40,000 visitors. But then the unexpected happened: when the English kneelers went down on their knees as usual as a sign against racism and discrimination, a deafening cacophony of children’s boo whistles rang out. But the intention of the European umbrella organisation to punish Hungary was virtually thwarted.

England’s ‚deeply disappointed‘ national team goes down on their knees in front of children

Whether the 1–0 defeat then suffered by Hungary could have anything to do with this unexpected and psychologically disgraceful children’s crusade, the England national football bubis will then be allowed to cry on their return to psychotherapy group sessions. England national concern footballer Coady already set the tone: „It’s a big disappointment. I think everyone can understand the kneeling as a country and a team. After all, we’ve talked a lot about why we’re doing it.“ (in futballarena.hu, vadhajtasok)

Hungarian for „deepest contempt“: „Menj vissza anyádba !“

On Coady’s defiantly senseless civilian courage.…

„It is important to continue what we are doing to get people talking about the situation. We will continue to fight against racism.“

…the Hungarian children responded with an abysmal contempt inherent only in the Hungarian mentality and language: „Menj vissza anyádba !“ Which means, „Go back to your mother !“ – Western visitors to our blog will have to use their imagination a bit now, though – with so much anti-feminist sexism.… The Hungarian language, however, is even more explicit in this regard: „Menj vissza a picsaba !“ – „Go back to the cunt !“ and this is really not to be understood sexually, but regressively…

Hungary mon amour

Claudia Roth: Green Ex-Vice-President of the German Bundestag on Headscarf-Knee-fall on Arabia VisitQuellbild anzeigen Kunhalmi Ágnes.jpg

Agnes Kunhalmi, Vice-President of the Hungarian Socialists

As an expatriate Austrian in Hungary since 1992, I am proud to paraphrase John F. Kennedy’s famous saying: „I am a Hungarian!“ – Because here in Hungary, even left-green female Soros activists have remained gracefully feminine.

IMG_20220605_103145.jpg?resize=300%2C235(Video anklicken!)

„Black Panthers“ now in Budapest

IMG_20220605_095850.jpg?resize=300%2C140 IMG_20220605_103634.jpg?resize=300%2C185

Times change, history repeats itself… Only under different auspices: The US-American anit-racist Black Panther movement has kneeled to death. The future of the world always lies in the unspoiled spontaneity of children… Even the old-left grandpa Grönemeyer knew that… „Put the world in children’s hands!“

However, and this is the message from Budapest: The future does not lie in the hands of manipulated and early-sexualised, affluent Fridays-for-Future kiddies… Nietzsche already knew that: „In the real man there is a child hidden. And wants to play.“

Quellbild anzeigen null
Alles aussteigen bitte! – Wer mitmacht, trägt am Ende selber Schuld

Alles aussteigen bitte! – Wer mitmacht, trägt am Ende selber Schuld

Diese Woche beschäftigt sich unsere Redakteurin Edith Brötzner ausgiebig mit der Frage, warum es auf Dauer nicht gesund ist, sich dem persönlichen Vorteil zuliebe aktiv am Regierungskurs zu beteiligen. Denn eines ist sicher: Was am Ende davon übrig bleibt, ist eine schwerwiegende Schuld.

Ein Kommentar von Edith Brötzner

Wie lange wollen wir uns eigentlich noch verarschen und diktieren lassen? Die meisten von uns wissen längst, dass die Maßnahmen, der Abstand, die Masken und die Genspritzen genau überhaupt nichts nutzen und im Gegenzug dazu sogar massiv schaden können. Nur ein paar wenige Über-Hörige, die in diesem Leben vermutlich überhaupt nicht mehr richtig munter werden, tragen noch stolz ihre Masken im Supermarkt zur Schau. Sie wirken neben den vielen freundlichen maskenlosen Gesichtern, als kämen sie von einem anderen Stern. Dem Stern des Grauens, der uns im Herbst wieder erwartet, wenn die Politik dafür sorgt, dass sich die gute Sommerstimmung und die Maskenpause wieder in Rauch auflösen. Seit über zwei Jahren fühle ich mich, als wäre ich auf dem falschen Planeten.

Zeit für Vernetzung

Hätte mir vorher jemand gesagt, wie einfach sich die Österreicher eine Gesundheitsdiktatur aufzwingen lassen, hätte ich das niemals geglaubt. Hätte mir vorher jemand gesagt, wie viele diese Diktatur leidenschaftlich und völlig gewissenlos unterstützen, aus Blindheit oder für den persönlichen Vorteil, wäre ich schockiert gewesen. Inzwischen schockiert mich überhaupt nichts mehr. Weder die hörigen Maskenträger, noch jene, die sich bereits den vierten oder fünften Stich mit Begeisterung abholen, noch die, die sich am Verkauf von Tests, Masken und Impfungen bereichern. Inzwischen steige ich auf keine sinnlosen Diskussionen mehr ein, schaue mir möglichst wenig Videos und Artikel an, die schlecht für meine Seelenbalance sind und mache einfach das, was ich am besten kann: Abwarten und Tee trinken. Und Menschen vernetzen. Und mich ganz entspannt auf den Herbst vorbereiten. Verhindern können wir den Lauf der Dinge ohnehin nicht. Wir können uns einzig und alleine mental dafür rüsten und die richtigen Menschen um uns versammeln, die mit uns durch jeden Sturm gehen.

Die Ruhe vor dem Sturm

Wer sehen will, wohin uns diese Reise führt, hätte bereits im März 2020 nur genauer hinsehen müssen, um die Richtung zu erkennen. Wer jetzt immer noch nicht sehen will, wie weit wir schon gegangen sind – viel zu weit – der wird es vermutlich in diesem Leben überhaupt nicht mehr erkennen.

Eines ist sicher: Irgendwann kommt der ganze Wahnsinn auf den Tisch. Weil das Gute und die Wahrheit bereits jetzt deutlich überwiegen. An dieser Stelle richte ich einen eindringlichen Appell an all jene, die sich gerade noch zu sicher im Schlamm der Diktatur suhlen: Wer jetzt nicht aussteigt, für den ist der Zug abgefahren. Jetzt ist es an der Zeit, die Corona-Spritze niederzulegen und aufzuhören, andere zu impfen. Jetzt ist es an der Zeit, für seine Mitarbeiter wirklich da zu sein und sie nicht mehr – auch nicht im Herbst – mit Masken, Tests und Impfungen zu quälen. Jetzt ist es an der Zeit, für seine Schüler da zu sein und sie auch nach den Ferien vor den schädlichen Maßnahmen zu schützen. Jetzt ist die Zeit, wo wir für unsere Kinder da sein müssen und sie vor diesem ganzen Wahn mit unserer ganzen Kraft schützen müssen.

Wann steigen Sie aus?

Denunzierungen, Vernaderungen, Nötigung, das Quälen von Mitmenschen…. All diese Dinge fordern ihren Ausgleich… Auch wenn die Mühlen der Zeit langsam mahlen – wer jetzt nicht aus diesem Zug aussteigt, wird irgendwann böse erwachen. Die Entscheidung, was wir tun, liegt immer bei uns selber. Es liegt an uns, uns umfassend zu informieren und uns eine – von den bezahlten Systemmedien unabhängige – eigene Meinung zu bilden. Wenn wir alle endgültig die Masken fallen lassen und unsere Menschlichkeit wiederfinden, wer will uns dann den Wahnsinn im Herbst erneut vorschreiben? Wann steigen Sie aus?

Sommerzeit ist Vernetzungszeit. Wer sich mit Gleichgesinnten zusammenfinden will, kann jetzt aktiv werden und sich im Verein „Österreich ist Frei“ engagieren. Hier finden bereits regelmäßige Treffen und spannende Projekte statt.

Archbishop Viganò: greatest attack on human nature, consciousness and free will

By JÖRG WOLLSCHLAGER | In the following interview, the eloquent churchman and sharp critic of the globalist mafia, Archbishop Viganò, establishes the connection between all the artificially created individual crises: the pandemic farce, the Russia-Ukraine crisis and the coming energy and famine crises. More and more patterns of conspiracy by a hidden synarchy are becoming visible. Schwab, Gates and Soros and their backers are coming under increasing pressure and will have to flee to avoid being lynched, according to the Archbishop’s prognosis.

The following interview was conducted via video link as part of the Corona Investigative Committee under attorney Rainer Füllmich, it was transcribed by Lifesitenews.

Pursuer of the Lavender Mafia

  1. Your Excellency,many people know and appreciate you very much for having been a sincere man in an often insincere environment even during your service at the Vatican. You have served as a top diplomat, specifically as the Vatican Nuncio in the United States, representing the Pope to the local churches in the United States.

It is our great honor and pleasure to speak with you today. But before we move on to substance and ask you about your assessment of the world political situation, especially with regard to the so-called Corona crisis, please tell us a little bit about your personal history so that viewers who don’t yet know you will realize who you are.

First of all, I would like to express to you, lawyer Reiner Füllmich, and to all your collaborators and colleagues, my most cordial greetings and my appreciation for having conceived the idea of the Corona Commission. Your research for the truth into the management of the Covid-19 emergency and mass experimentation greatly contributes to collecting evidence in order to bring to justice and punish those who are responsible. This constitutes an important contribution in view of the creation of an Anti-Globalist Alliance, because the authors of the pandemic farce are the same people who today would like to push the world towards a total war and a permanent energy crisis.

As far as my “career,” I don’t think there is much to say: I am a Catholic Archbishop who has held various roles of responsibility in the Vatican, both in the Secretariat of State of the Holy See as well as in the Governorate of Vatican City State, and as Apostolic Nuncio, to Nigeria, and finally to the United States according to the will of Benedict XVI. My notoriety – which is completely unwanted – is a result of my stance regarding sexual scandal of former American cardinal Theodore McCarrick and other no less serious cases involving senior members of the Hierarchy. As a Successor of the Apostles, I could not keep silent in the face of the attempts to cover up those shameful facts by the so-called lavender mafia, which enjoys the support and protection of Bergoglio.

Russia-Ukraine crisis: one monolithic bloc of globalists, NATO, Deep State, EU, WEF, media machine and the Vatican 

  1. You have an impressive resume – but if one searches your name in the old (mainstream) media, one findsdefamatoryarticles that accuse you, among other things, of spreading Kremlin propaganda and making confused statements. On closer inspection, this does not seem to us to be the case at all, quite the contrary; rather, you remain true to your reputation of being a sincere man even in insincere environments, even if it is to your personal disadvantage. Where do you identify the “caesura” or “break” in your resume, where this virtue was reinterpreted by the old media as a flaw? What red line did you cross; on what issue did your candor become a danger to the public narrative?

False accusations are one of the means used by those who want to eliminate an adversary whom they fear and cannot fight fairly. In this case, I am considered inconvenient both by the exponents of the deep church and the Bergoglian cabal, whose scandals and cover-ups I have denounced since the time of the McCarrick case. And I am equally inconvenient for the deep state, which has been able to count on the complicity of the Holy See as well as almost the entirety of the global Episcopate in the events of the last few years. The dissonant voice of a Bishop, especially when he formulates reasoned complaints based on irrefutable facts, risks putting the official narrative into question, both on the alleged renewal of the Church under this “pontificate” as well as on the pandemic farce and mass “vaccination.” Even the recent Russian-Ukrainian crisis significantly finds the globalist elite, NATO, the American deep state, the European Union, the World Economic Forum, the entire media machine, and the Vatican all aligned on the same side. Putin’s intervention in Ukraine is considered a threat to the New World Order that must be neutralized even at the cost of a global conflict.

Thus, if I must identify a “breaking point” on the ecclesial front, it definitely coincided with my denunciation of the network of complicity and the scandals of corrupt clergy and Prelates which Bergoglio has deliberately and obstinately sought to cover up. On the civil front, it seems to me that the red line was crossed with my Appeal for the Church and the World, launched two years ago in May 2020 by which I denounced the threat represented by the silent coup carried out by means of the health emergency. The energy and food emergency, in addition to the war emergency, are always part of the disturbing “scenarios” that the World Economic Forum and the United Nations have described in great detail well in advance. When, one day not too far in the future, a tribunal judges these criminals and their accomplices in the institutions of almost all of the Western nations, these documents will constitute the proof of the premeditation of the greatest coup d’état of all time. And the same thing will happen with regard to ecclesial affairs, demonstrating that the doctrinal and moral drift that originated with the Second Vatican Council created the necessary premises for the doctrinal and moral corruption of the clergy and the simultaneous delegitimization of the authority of the Shepherds. Let us not forget that the revolutionary processes have always relied on the vices and weaknesses of its representatives, both to destroy the State and to weaken the Church.

The second stage of the technocrat coup: „green turn“ for the Great Reset

  1. Your Excellency, the Corona and Measures crisis is now entering its third year; in the meantime, warfare in the East, and especially massive political and media warmongering, has been added to the mix. How do you assess this development?

Let’s clarify a fundamental point: the Ukrainian crisis was deliberately provoked by the deep state in order to force the world to carry out the Great Reset reforms, in particular the so-called “technological transition” and the “green shift.” It is the second stage of the globalist technocrat coup, after the pandemic farce.

The psycho-pandemic marked the first level of a true and proper attack initiated to seize control of governments. In reality, today they are only trying to bypass political power, which until now served only as a mere executor of orders. Under the pretext of the pandemic they have imposed systems of detailed population control, including systems for tracing individual citizens who have been inoculated together with the experimental gene serum.

[In 2018] at the Davos Forum the CEO of Pfizer Albert Bourla said: “Imagine a biological chip that is included in a pill, that when it is swallowed goes into the stomach and emits a signal. […] Imagine the applications, the possibility of making people obey. […] What is happening in this field is fascinating” (here). And Albert Bourla says “what is happening” because he is talking about existing technologies, not imaginary projects. The presence of graphene and self-assembling nano-circuits is now admitted even by those who a year ago called those who were sounding the alarm “conspiracy theorists.” The populations of the nations adhering to the Agenda 2030 are now mostly “vaccinated,” or rather they have been genetically modified and their immune systems have now been compromised in an irreversible way. And perhaps – as some lawyers are now denouncing – it will be discovered that along with the genetic serum they have injected chips that are capable of controlling even people’s reactions, interfering with their behavior, and making them docile if there are riots, or violent if it is necessary to have a pretext for military interventions. We are well beyond a global coup: this is the greatest, most sensational, unprecedented attack on the human person – on man’s freedom conscience, and will.

You can well imagine the risk deriving from giving the WHO sovereign control over the health systems of various nations in the case of an emergency pandemic, when those who must decide about vaccine campaigns and treatments, on containment measures and lockdowns, are all financed by the big pharmaceutical companies and by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which theorizes about the perpetual pandemic and the perpetual booster vaccine. Even the resolution that was planned to be voted at the WHO – and which at least for now has been avoided – went in the direction of total control by the globalist synarchy. We should therefore not be surprised if, in the pitiful attempt to hide the adverse effects of the experimental gene serum, the WHO is now sounding alarms about the alleged monkeypox, whose symptomology is curiously similar to some of the side effects of the mRNA “vaccine” (here). Both the WHO and the European Medicines Agency (75% of which is financed by Big Pharma) have shown themselves to be in a clear conflict of interest and totally dependent on the pharmaceutical industry.

Ukraine crisis culpably turned into war for the Great Reset

Regarding the Russian-Ukrainian crisis, what should have been an operation of peace to put an end to the ethnic persecution of the Russian-speaking minority in Ukraine by neo-Nazi extremists, has been deliberately and culpably transformed into a war. The repeated appeals of president Putin to the international community for the Minsk Protocol to be respected have fallen on deaf ears.

Why? For the simple reason that it was an excellent opportunity.

First, it was an opportunity to improvisorily create a global energy crisis with which to force the transition to alternative energy sources, along with all the business this represents. Without a crisis, how could the increase in the price of gas and petrol be imposed as an instrument to force companies and individuals to make the famous “ecological transition” that no one has ever voted for and that has been imposed by bureaucrats who are enslaved by the elite?

Second, in order to destroy in a controlled and ruthless way all of the companies considered useless or harmful to the global economy of the multinational corporations. Millions of artisan companies, small businesses that make the nations of Europe unique, and Italy in particular, were forced to close because, after the disasters caused by the lockdowns and the rules of the psycho-pandemic, an increase in gas and oil prices was provoked, with criminal speculation by the “market” and without the Russian Federation getting an extra penny. All of this was desired by the European Union, taking orders from NATO, by means of sanctions that have repercussions on those who have imposed them. The cancellation of the traditional economy is not an unfortunate consequence of an unexpected conflict, but rather the premeditated criminal action of a global mafia, compared to which the traditional mafia seems like a beneficial partnership. The advantage of this subversive operation benefits the multinational corporations that can acquire companies and real estate at bankruptcy prices, and also the financial companies that profit from loans to millions of new poor people. Here too, the ideological – and infernal – purposes of the elite make use of the complicity of economic potentates whose aims are merely to make profit. With the war, the military industry and the no less flourishing industry of information technologies and mercenaries now have the opportunity to conclude lucrative deals, with which they generously reward the politicians who have voted to send arms and support to Ukraine.

Third, one purpose of the war in Ukraine was to allow for the cover-up of the scandal of Hunter Biden, who was involved with the Metabiota society in financing biolaboratories in which bacteriological weapons of mass destruction are produced. The siege of the Azovstal steel plant was motivated precisely by the need to hide both the members of foreign NATO forces along with the neo-nazis of Azov and Pravij Sektor, as well as the biolabs banned by international conventions which were intended to be used to carry out experiments on the local population.

Fourth, because the psycho-pandemic narrative, despite the complicity of the mainstream media, did not prevent the truth from getting out and gradually spreading to ever-wider sectors of public opinion. The crisis in Ukraine was intended to have been a well-run operation of mass distraction, in order to avoid visibility of the increasingly uncontrollable news about the lethal effects of the experimental serum and the disastrous consequences of the measures taken by nations during the emergency pandemic. The falsification of data is now overt; the deliberate concealment of the results of the first phase of the experiment is admitted by the pharmaceutical companies themselves; awareness of the uselessness of masks and lockdowns has been certified by multiple studies; the damage done to the psycho-physical balance of the population and in particular to children and the elderly is incalculable, just as there has also been incalculable damage to students as a result of distance learning. Keeping people glued to their televisions or to social media with anti-Russian propaganda in order to prevent them from beginning to understand what has been done to them is the least these crazy criminals can do, criminals who are just as responsible for the pandemic as they are for the Russian-Ukrainian crisis.

If we take the script of this screenplay planned out by the globalist elite, we find that beyond the scenario of the pandemic there are other planned scenes that are no less disturbing, which we have already seen anticipated by the media since last year. The energy crisis, which is not an unfortunate consequence of an unforeseeable crisis in Ukraine, but rather a means by which on the one hand to impose the “green economy” motivated by a non-existent climate emergency, and on the other hand to destroy national economies, making companies fail for the advantage of multinational corporations, causing unemployment and thus creating underpaid labor, forcing nations to go into debt because they have been deprived of their fiscal sovereignty, or in any case to go into perpetual debt because of seigniorage.

Coming famine

The food emergency is also in Klaus Schwab’s script. It has begun for certain products in the United States and Europe, and more generally for grain and cereal products in many nations of Africa and Asia. Then we discover that Bill Gates is the largest landowner in the United States just when there is a shortage of grain and agricultural products; and that Bill Gates is the head of a start-up that produces “artificial human milk” just when there is a shortage in the United States of powdered milk for babies. And let’s not forget that the multinational agricultural companies are succeeding in imposing the use of their sterile seeds – which must be re-purchased every year – and banning the use of traditional seeds, which would allow poor countries not to depend on them.

Whoever designed the series of present crises, whose roots were laid down at the beginning of the 1990s with the privatization of state-owned companies, also made sure to place people trained by the World Economic Forum for this purpose in governments, institutions, and international agencies, at the head of central banks and large strategic assets, in the media, and in the main world religions. Look at the Prime Ministers of the principal European countries, of Canada, Australia, and New Zealand: they were all recruited from the “Young Global Leaders for Tomorrow group, and the fact that they are at the highest levels of leadership of these nations, of the UN, and of the World Bank ought to be more than sufficient to put them on trial for subversion and high treason. Those who have sworn to apply the laws in the interests of their own nations commit perjury at the moment in which they have to answer for their own actions not to the citizens of their nations but to faceless technocrats whom no one has elected.

Global synarchy as a directing caste

It is easy to make the accusation that all this is a “conspiracy theory,” but such a dismissal no longer holds water, just like the accusation of “collaborationism” no longer works against anyone who expresses perplexity about the Russian-Ukrainian crisis and its management at the international level.

Those who do not want to understand the plot because they are afraid of what they might discover persist in denying that there is a script and a director, that there are actors and extras, sets and costumes. But can we really believe that the richest and most powerful people in the world would have agreed to launch such an attack on humanity in order to realize their delusional globalist dream, deploying an enormous amount of energy and resources, without having first planned everything in great detail and just leaving it all to chance? If people who intend to purchase a house or start a business carefully plan it all out, why should it be a “conspiracy theory” to recognize that in order to obtain unconfessable and criminal results, the elite must


Those who do not want to understand the plot because they are afraid of what they might discover persist in denying that there is a script and a director, that there are actors and extras, sets and costumes. But can we really believe that the richest and most powerful people in the world would have agreed to launch such an attack on humanity in order to realize their delusional globalist dream, deploying an enormous amount of energy and resources, without having first planned everything in great detail and just leaving it all to chance? If people who intend to purchase a house or start a business carefully plan it all out, why should it be a “conspiracy theory” to recognize that in order to obtain unconfessable and criminal results, the elite must resort to lies and deception?

Gates and Co. will have to flee to avoid being lynched

If you will allow me to make an analogy, I would say that our attitude towards the present facts is similar to someone who finds himself having to put together a puzzle composed of thousands of pieces but without having the final completed picture in front of him. Those who have constructed the globalist “puzzle” have done so with the intent of making the final picture of what they wish to obtain unrecognizable. However, anyone who sees the entire picture, or even only one significant part, starts to recognize how the pieces fit together. And anyone who has seen the final picture also knows how to interpret the silences and connivances of government officials and even of the opposition parties, how to explain the complicity of doctors and paramedics in crimes committed in hospitals that went against all of the scientific evidence, and the complicity of bishops and priests who even reached the point of denying the Sacraments to those who are not vaccinated. Once large areas of the puzzle become visible – and this is exactly what is happening now – it will be much easier to put the remaining pieces into place. And by that point Klaus Schwab, George Soros, Bill Gates, the other conspirators, and those who, remaining hidden, preside over this criminal, global conspiration, will be on the run to avoid being lynched.



„Pride Month“, LGBTQ und Transgender-Agenda: Siegerfoto als Sinnbild des Niedergangs des Westens

„Pride Month“, LGBTQ und Transgender-Agenda: Siegerfoto als Sinnbild des Niedergangs des Westens

Mit dem Monat Juni wird man seit mehreren Jahren in geradezu penetranter, aggressiver Manier mit Propaganda diverser sexueller Minderheiten und anderer „Perversionen“ unter dem Banner des Regebogens und der LGTBQ…-Bewegung drangsaliert. Kein Konzern, keine Regierung, kein Verband im Westen, der bei dem aus den USA stammenden Trend mittlerweile nicht mitmacht oder mitmachen muss und im „Pride Month“ die „Sichtbarkeit“ für diese Randgruppen erhöhen will. Dabei genügt es längst nicht mehr, dass sexuelle Minderheiten rechtlich faktisch der heterosexuellen Familie gleichgestellt sind, sie wollen auch Sprache, Denken und letztlich die Erziehung der Kleinsten beeinflussen und steuern.


Transgender-Athleten als Symbolbild des Niedergangs

In den USA derzeit ein hochemotionales Thema, und vermutlich auch bald in Europa, sind Transgender-Athleten, die vor allem in den Damen-Wettbewerben für Aufsehen sorgen und dort ob ihrer physischen (biologischen) Überlegenheit sämtliche Bewerbe gewinnen.

Kaum besser versinnbildlicht dieser weitere Niedergang des Westens das Siegerfoto eines BMX-Sportwettkampfes für Frauen in den USA. Die ersten beiden Plätze errangen Transgender-Athleten, die noch dazu in einer Beziehung stehen und sich innig küssen. Für die einzig erfolgreiche Frau bleibt nur der dritte Platz, sie kümmert sich derweil liebevoll um ihre Tochter am Arm. Die biologische Frau und Mutter als Anachronismus in der modernen, aufgeklärten und „woken“ Welt:

@sharrond62 @Martina this might be the picture that encapsulates the issue with males in women’s sports so perfectly. 2 males celebrating 1st and 2nd place and the woman looking after her child in 3rd. Heartbreaking ? pic.twitter.com/4nNc4hZFYR

— I Stand With JK Rowling (@gunsandbanjos) June 4, 2022

Drag-Queen-Lesung für Kleinkinder in Wien, Transgender-Stripper für Kinder in Dallas

Und weil es auch mit der Agenda der Frühsexualisierung nicht rasch genug gehen kann, wird unter dem Motto der „Inklusivität, Toleranz und Akzeptanz“ vermehrt auch die LGBTQ-Propaganda in die Schulen und Bildungseinrichtungen getragen, um möglichst immer jüngere Altersklassen zu indoktrinieren und letztlich auch zu pervertieren. Von „Unisex-Toiletten“, über „Transgender-Ratgeber für Kinder“ bis hin zu Sexualaufklärung in Volksschulen.

In Wien veranstalte man kürzlich ein „Drag-Queen-Leseevent“ für Kinder ab fünf Jahren in einer Buchhandlung – man kennt so etwas aus den USA, wo Transvestiten und Transgender kleinen Kindern auf ihrem Schoß sitzend vorlesen. In Wien wurde den Kleinsten nun beigebracht, dass die “Grenzen von Identität und Gender fließend” seien. Im Erklärtext zu der Lesung steht folgendes geschrieben:

„Die fließenden Grenzen von Identität und Gender sind Thema der Drag Queen Stories. Nach der Lesung wird gemeinsam mit den Kindern über Stereotypen und Klischees über Geschlecht, Freundschaften und Liebe philosophiert. Der Humor kommt dabei auch nicht kurz.“

Immerhin gab es massiven Protest und Störaktionen von rechter Seite gegen die Indoktrination der Kleinkinder unter dem Banner des Regenbogens.

In den USA ist man schon weiter. In Dallas, Texas, wurde eine „kinderfreundliche“ Drag-Show in einer Schwulenbar veranstaltet. Dabei tanzten die Transvestiten in sexuellen Posen vor den Kindern und nahmen von diesen sogar Dollarscheine entgegen:

Drag performer taking dollar bills from children at the “Drag the Kids to Pride” event at Mr. Misster bar in Dallas

Toddlers can be seen in attendance pic.twitter.com/RPO8CqsOZ6

— Aldo ? (@AldoButtazzoni) June 4, 2022

FPÖ mit „Anti-Homo-Kampagne“

Neben den Störaktionen gegen die Drag-Queen-Lesung für Kinder, unternimmt man in Österreich auch von politischer Seite etwas gegen die „Pride Month“-Propaganda. Die Wiener FPÖ rief einen Patriotenmonat aus, der sich auf Familie und Heimatliebe fokussieren soll, die Tiroler FPÖ Jugend möchte den Monat Juni als bewussten Gegenpol zum “Pride Month” positionieren und vermehrt die von Linken verpönte Heimatliebe ins Zentrum ihrer politischen und medialen Arbeit richten. Es brauche einen Patrioten-Monat, nicht einen “Pride Month”.

“Wir feiern stattdessen den Patrioten-Monat und zelebrieren unsere Heimatliebe und unser Faible für die normalen Dinge in unserem Land, mit denen viele der Anliegen der vom Mainstream gehypten Pride-Bewegung gar nichts zu tun haben”, erklärt Michael Henökl, neugewählter Landesobmann der Freiheitlichen Jugend Tirol.

Bitte unterstützen Sie unseren Kampf für Freiheit und Bürgerrechte.

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Frauenradrennen in Großbritannien von zwei „Trans“-Männern gewonnen

Frauenradrennen in Großbritannien von zwei „Trans“-Männern gewonnen

Bei einem „inklusiven“ Radrennen in Südost-London errangen zwei Männer die sich als Frauen fühlen Platz eins und Platz zwei. Noch am Siegestreppchen sorgten sie dafür, dass alle Zuseher ihre sexuelle Ausrichtung miterleben müssen. Platz drei ging an eine Frau die sich als Frau fühlt – und die ihr Kind mit aufs Treppchen brachte. In Sozialen Medien wird der Event lebhaft diskutiert.

Ein Kommentar von Willi Huber

Platz Eins des Rennens ging an „Emily Bridges“, Platz Zwei an „Lilly Chant“. Beides von Geburt an Münner die sich aber anders fühlen. Immer wieder gewinnen überraschenderweise Männer, die sich als Frauen fühlen, sportliche Frauenbewerbe. Sehr bekannt wurde ein Gewichtheber, der sich als Frau fühlte und plötzlich und unerwartet alle Frauenbewerbe gewann. Wer hätte das gedacht.

Platz Drei beim „ThunderCrit Race“ im Herne Hill Velodrom ging an Jo Smith, eine Frau die sich als Frau fühlt und bei der Gelegenheit auch ein Kind auf die Welt gebracht hat.

Neben frenetischem Applaus von links bis links ganzaußen gibt es auch kritische Stimmen. Sharron Davies, die 1980 bei den Olympischen Spielen in Moskau Silber im Schwimmen gewann und sich zuvor zu Trans-Athleten geäußert hatte, sagte, sie sei „sehr enttäuscht“ über dieses Rennen. Es bleibt zu hoffen, dass sie aufgrund dieser Meinungsäußerung nicht wegen eines Hassverbrechens angeklagt und eingesperrt wird. Denn so verlangt es der Zeitgeist.

In einem Versuch, ein „inklusives“ Event zu entwickeln, haben die ThunderCrit-Organisatoren zwei neue nicht-binäre Rennen namens „Donner“ und „Blitz“ geschaffen.

Auf der Website heißt es: „Die Thunder-Kategorie ist für Cis-Männer, nicht-binäre Menschen, deren körperliche Leistung am ehesten mit Cis-Männern, Transmännern und Frauen übereinstimmt, deren körperliche Leistung am ehesten mit Cis-Männern übereinstimmt.

„Die Lightning-Kategorie ist für Cis-Frauen, nicht-binäre Menschen, deren körperliche Leistungsfähigkeit mit Cis-Frauen und Transmännern und Frauen übereinstimmt, deren körperliche Leistungsfähigkeit am ehesten mit Cis-Frauen übereinstimmt.“

Quelle: Daily Mail

Dann ist ja alles klar.

Sieger des Damenrennens zuvor von Radsport-Dachverband von Teilnahme an regulären Rennen suspendiert

So genannte „Transgender“-Menschen im Sport sind der neue Spielplatz der extremen Linken und Grünen. Dort kann man plärren, Shitstorms veranstalten und erhält in Systemmedien viel Raum und Publicity. Im April gab der Dachverband „British Cycling“ die Direktive aus, dass Transgender und „nicht-binäre“ Menschen nicht mehr an Rennen teilnehmen dürfen. Auch hier ging es um den oben erwähnten Herrn „Emily Bridges“, der am Frauenrennen der National Omnium Championships teilnehmen wollte. Der britische Premierminister Boris Johnson sagte im April, dass Transgender-Frauen nicht an Sportveranstaltungen für Frauen teilnehmen sollten. Die unglaublich wichtige Nachricht über den Ausschluss von „Transgender“-Menschen vom Radsport raste – wohl begünstigt durch Mediennetzwerke wie George Soros Project Syndicate – rund um die Welt, selbst CNN berichtete mehrfach. So viel Zeit muss, neben ein wenig Jubel über noch mehr Krieg in der Ukraine, eben sein.

Der NICHT schmelzende Gletscher

Der NICHT schmelzende Gletscher


Terigi Ciccone, Dr. Jay Lehr

Könnte der „dem Untergang geweihte Gletscher“ in der Antarktis innerhalb von 3 Jahren wirklich verschwinden?

Die Zeit schmilzt für einen der größten Gletscher der Antarktis dahin, und sein rapider Verfall könnte mit dem vollständigen Zusammenbruch des Schelfeises in nur wenigen Jahren enden“, warnten alarmistische Forscher auf einer virtuellen Pressekonferenz am 13. Dezember 2021 auf der Jahrestagung der American Geophysical Union (AGU), einer einstmals herausragenden Fachgesellschaft, die jetzt aber ein Handlanger der Linken ist.

Oben ist der erste Satz des Artikels mit dem [Original-]Titel „Antarctica’s ‚Doomsday Glacier‘ could meet its doom within 3 years,“ nicht das, was wir von einer einst seriösen Quelle, der American Geophysical Union, erwarten würden. Darin wird gewarnt, dass der größte Gletscher der Welt, etwa so groß wie Florida, in einigen Jahren schmelzen und den Meeresspiegel um bis zu 3 Meter anheben wird. Dann wird erklärt, dass der Gletscher von unten her schmilzt, weil sich das umgebende Meerwasser „wegen des vom Menschen verursachten Klimawandels“ erwärmt hat. Schließlich erfahren wir, dass ein Team von mehr als 100 Wissenschaftlern aus den USA und dem Vereinigten Königreich den Thwaites-Gletscher untersucht hat und seine Ergebnisse mit Wissenschaftlern in aller Welt teilt.

Der Artikel erklärt dann, dass der Thwaites nicht von oben schmilzt, sondern dass „das Schmelzen von unten kommt“, nämlich von den Ozeanen, die durch das vom Menschen verursachte CO2 und den Treibhauseffekt erwärmt wurden. Der größte Teil des Artikels befasst sich dann mit den prognostizierten Folgen für die ganze Welt:

– Überschwemmungen in allen Küstengemeinden mit einem dramatischen Bild von Venedig,

– Die Hunderte von Eisbergen, die auf die offenen Ozeane gelangen,

– wie der katastrophale Abbruch des gigantischen Thwaites-Schelfeises eine Beschleunigung des Schmelzens anderer Schelfeisflächen bewirken kann. Und so weiter.

– Abschließend wird erklärt, wie das Wissenschaftlerteam die Entwicklungen weiter beobachten und die wissenschaftliche Gemeinschaft, die politischen Entscheidungsträger und die Öffentlichkeit auf dem Laufenden halten wird.

Lesen Sie den vollständigen Artikel hier. Auch wenn dieses Spitzenteam von Wissenschaftlern aus den USA und dem Vereinigten Königreich die Wissenschaftler der Welt über ihre Ergebnisse auf dem Laufenden gehalten hat, haben sie sich selbst möglicherweise nicht über die Ergebnisse anderer Wissenschaftler informiert.

Dieses Team hat möglicherweise nicht einmal miteinander kommuniziert. Fast ein Jahrzehnt zuvor hatten Geologen bereits Beweise für Vulkane an einer bekannten aktiven tektonischen Plattengrenze entdeckt, die unter dem Gletscher und den Ozeanen begraben war. Vor 2017 wurden mindestens 47 Vulkane in der westlichen Antarktis und um das Gebiet des Thwaites-Gletschers gefunden. Im Jahr 2017 berichtete der Guardian, dass weitere 91 Vulkane entlang der Westküste der Antarktis gefunden wurden, von denen einige unter dem Twaites-Gletscher selbst liegen. Siehe den Artikel mit dem Titel [übersetzt] „Wissenschaftler entdecken 91 Vulkane unter dem antarktischen Eisschild“.

Hier haben wir also einen Artikel von Mindy Weisberger, der am 21. Dezember 2021 veröffentlicht wurde, also mindestens vier Jahre nach der Entdeckung der 91 zusätzlichen Vulkane (138 insgesamt), in dem das Wort Vulkane nicht einmal erwähnt wird, nicht ein einziges Mal. Wenn wir richtig rechnen, hätte der Thwaites-Gletscher um 2019 abreißen müssen, aber er ist immer noch da und schmilzt immer noch von unten, verursacht durch vulkanische Aktivitäten, aber diese nutzlosen so genannten Wissenschaftler geben immer noch dem Menschen die ganze Schuld am Schmelzen.

Was sollen wir daraus schließen? War dieser Artikel ein Beispiel für einen „isolierten Fehler“ einer Person/eines Herausgebers oder ein weiteres Beispiel für die Desinformationskampagne der CO2-/Treibhausgas-Alarmisten? Es ist eindeutig das Letztere.

Im Gegensatz zu Ihnen sind Ihre Autoren seit mehr als einem halben Jahrhundert in diese größte aller Betrügereien verwickelt. Wir haben die Lügen auf den Konferenzen der Vereinten Nationen bis in die 1960er Jahre hinein untersucht. Deshalb ist es für uns unmöglich, das Thema bei jedem einzelnen gesellschaftlichen Wortwechsel zu vermeiden. Letzte Woche ging es für den Juniorautor um den Kauf einer Benzinpumpe bei Advance Auto Parts. Wo immer wir können, versuchen wir, die Leute die Lügen vor Augen zu führen, mit denen sie inzwischen aufgewachsen sind. Es ist ein kleiner Schritt für die Menschheit, aber am Ende des Tages haben wir das Gefühl, etwas zur Bekämpfung dieses Krieges der wissenschaftlichen Fehlinformation beigetragen zu haben.

Autoren: Terigi Ciccone Engineer, Science Enthusiast and Artist. Loves reading and travel, Naturalist, Author of the new book “A Hitchhiker’s Journey Through Climate Change.”

CFACT Senior Science Analyst Dr. Jay Lehr has authored more than 1,000 magazine and journal articles and 36 books. Jay’s new book A Hitchhikers Journey Through Climate Change written with Teri Ciccone is now available on Kindle and Amazon.

Link: https://www.cfact.org/2022/05/31/the-not-melting-glacier/

Übersetzt von Christian Freuer für das EIKE