Horst D. Deckert

CFR Claims ‘Limited’ Public Compliance with Masking, Social Distancing ‘Alarming’ Amid Bird Flu Outbreak

Top Council on Foreign Relations health official says public’s growing resistance to mandates and orders from public health authorities a major challenge.

The Council on Foreign Relations globalist think tank says it’s “alarming” the public is no longer as receptive to mask mandates and social distancing.

In a YouTube update fear-mongering about the bird flu, Thomas J. Bollyky, the CFR’s director of the Global Health Program, claims the unelected bureaucracy is concerned over the virus’s possible zoonotic spread to humans.

Bollyky says the virus mutating to infect humans is concerning, and that tracking the outbreak among dairy farm workers is difficult because they’re mostly low-wage and non-English speaking.

However, he goes on to note another major challenge the CFR has identified is the public’s growing resistance to mandates and orders from public health authorities.

“The situation we are in is fundamentally different from where we were four years ago on Covid-19,” Bollyky says, adding, “the willingness of the public or politicians to support masking, social distancing is a lot more limited.”

The CFR’s admission that it views members of the public who refuse arbitrary health orders as an “alarming” factor follows news of a massive network of internment camps being installed across America reportedly to house political dissidents.

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