Horst D. Deckert

CNN Anchor Suggests Joe Biden Had Advanced Knowledge Of Debate Questions

CNN Anchor Suggests Joe Biden Had Advanced Knowledge Of Debate Questions

Trump trounced Biden despite one-sided debate setup

CNN anchor Erin Burnett told viewers watching Thursday night’s post-debate coverage of the Donald Trump and Joe Biden faceoff that Sleepy Joe knew every question he was going to be asked.

While the CNN panel basically slammed Biden’s pisspoor performance, Burnett noted Biden went through more than a week of preparation for the debate and still flopped.

NEW: CNN’s Erin Burnett says Biden knew “every one of these questions is coming” leading many to suggest that Biden was fed debate questions beforehand.

CNN, you have some explaining to do.

Burnett: “He goes through six days of preparation, a camp day, more than that. And they… pic.twitter.com/cPdOmgAXx4

— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) June 28, 2024

Continuing to vent about the Biden campaign’s debate debacle, Burnett said, “They knew the rules. He practices with the mics. He knows every one of these questions is coming and yet he couldn’t fill the time.”

The video clip is going viral online with many internet users questioning whether Biden was given the debate questions ahead of time, similar to the 2016 scandal where former Democratic National Committee interim chair Donna Brazile gave CNN Town Hall questions to Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

Biden failed miserably despite the entire establishment trying to stack the deck in his favor and now the entire nation is talking about replacing the senile puppet.

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