Horst D. Deckert

CNN Triggered At Trump’s “Migrant Fight League” Joke

CNN anchor Jim Acosta pushing divisive rhetoric and lying about Trump comment

CNN‘s Jim Acosta and Democrat strategist Chuck Rocha complained about a recent joke Donald Trump made where he suggested Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) President Dana White start a fight league for illegal immigrants.

‘It’s Dehumanizing’: Jim Acosta Clutches Pearls, Spars With Guest Over Trump’s Migrant Fight Club Joke pic.twitter.com/9ZKgksYXsD

— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) June 24, 2024

Discussing recent murders and other violent crimes committed by illegal aliens, Trump told the crowd at Saturday’s Faith & Freedom Coalition gathering in Washington, D.C., the UFC owner should sign up the invaders to fight for money.

“I said, ‘Dana I have an idea for you to make a lotta money. You’re gonna go and start a new Migrant Fight League. Migrants, only migrants. And then at the end of the year the migrant champion is going to fight your champion. And, I hate to tell you Dana I think the migrant might win, that’s how tough they are,’” Trump said.

Acosta and Rocha called the Trump joke “ugly” and “disgusting,” with Rocha conflating legal and illegal immigration by pointing out his grandparents came to America as immigrants.

CNN Senior Political Commentator Scott Jennings noted Trump was just drawing attention to the insane amount of violence at the hands of illegals.

When Jennings told Acosta he could worry about Trump’s rhetoric or he could worry about the actual violence taking place, the anchor interrupted, saying, “It’s dehumanizing rhetoric.”

Jennings sarcastically responded, “Would you say it is more dehumanizing than murdering and raping someone?”

After downplaying the blatant increase in illegal immigrant violent crimes, Acosta asked, “Why in the hell is one of the two presidential candidates talking about putting migrants into gladiator fight-like experiences?”

Rocha suggested Trump is simply trying to create a false fear about what’s going on at the southern border, and Jennings said the fear is being spread by real stories that have taken place in recent weeks.

CNN wasn’t the only outlet falsely pushing the story as if Trump actually proposed the migrant fight league.

Several mainstream media headlines failed to note Trump was clearly joking:

Meanwhile, a major poll recently revealed even Latino U.S. voters side with Trump on immigration over Joe Biden.

The establishment politicians and media pundits are out of touch with real Americans, ultimately pushing more people to vote for Trump.

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