Horst D. Deckert

Crappy Stunt! North Korea Sends Hundreds Of Poop-Filled Balloons Into South Korea

Disgusting tactic causing controversy around the globe

A fecal feud erupted between North and South Korea on Wednesday after North Korean “Supreme Leader” Kim Jong Un sent around 200 balloons carrying excrement and other waste over its southern border.

North Korea drops over 200 balloons filled with rubbish over South Koreahttps://t.co/MFqV56TqQh pic.twitter.com/SLG0qr9Q7r

— Sky News (@SkyNews) May 29, 2024

???? North Korea has launched hundreds of balloons filled with trash and waste across the border, Seoul’s military reported on Wednesday.

This action follows a warning from the North of retaliatory measures in response to anti-Pyongyang leaflets sent by South Korean activists. pic.twitter.com/28f5eoQwMK

— DD Geopolitics (@DD_Geopolitics) May 29, 2024

North Korea’s Kim Jong Un sending literal balloons filled with shit into South Korea is a level of real life shitposting we didn’t believe possible. pic.twitter.com/xLcgOkTowE

— Autism Capital ? (@AutismCapital) May 29, 2024

Global Press reported the balloon packages might have been loaded with some type of biological weapons, showing images of batteries found in the waste.

BREAKING: North Korean balloons may have contained undetected biological weapons https://t.co/Comw3YK9aN

— Global Press (@GlobalPressCorp) May 29, 2024

South Korea’s military responded to the floating turds by mobilizing its chemical and explosive response teams to track down the balloons.

The unorthodox stunt comes just days after North Korea allegedly launched a missile over the Sea of Japan after announcing it would be launching a military reconnaissance satellite.

In response to the North’s launch, South Korea sent 20 fighter jets near the inter-Korean border in a move Jong Un called, “a very dangerous provocation that cannot be ignored.”

The shit may soon hit the fan as tensions continue to increase between major military powers around the world.

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