Horst D. Deckert

‘DEFENDANT’S LAPTOP IS REAL’: Biden’s DOJ to Submit Hunter Biden’s Laptop as Evidence in Gun Trial

Biden DOJ tacitly acknowledges it carried out one of the most successful disinformation campaigns in history when it initially claimed in Oct. 2020 that Hunter’s laptop story was “Russian disinformation.”

Justice Department prosecutors plan to introduce Hunter Biden’s laptop as evidence against him in his upcoming trial on felony gun charges.

Special counsel David Weiss announced the move in a court filing on Wednesday, where he also excoriated Hunter’s lawyers who questioned the laptop’s authenticity as a “conspiracy theory.”

The defendant’s laptop is real (it will be introduced as a trial exhibit) and it contains significant evidence of the defendant’s guilt,” prosecutors wrote in the filing.

Hunter’s lawyers said they would dispute the authenticity of the laptop if submitted into evidence.

“Defense counsel has numerous reasons to believe the data had been altered and compromised before investigators obtained the electronic material,” his lawyers wrote.

But Weiss in the filing claimed Hunter’s defense team has been unable to back up their assertions that the laptop isn’t real.

“He has not shown any of the actual evidence in this case is unreliable or inauthentic, because there is none,” Weiss’ team wrote. “Instead, the defendant’s theory about the laptop is a conspiracy theory with no supporting evidence.”

“Any argument that suggests his laptop is not authentic would be inappropriate because there is no foundation for such questioning, and it risks creating juror confusion about the evidence actually at issue in this case,” Weiss added.

It’s remarkable how in just a few years the government went from claiming Hunter’s laptop was “Russian disinformation” to now insisting that it’s real and will be used in a court of law against him.

In October 2020 leading up to the election, the New York Post released the bombshell story about Hunter’s “Laptop From Hell” detailing his sordid activities involving drugs and prostitutes, illegal handling of firearms, and shady foreign business deals involving his father, then-presidential candidate Joe Biden.

Shortly after, 51 former intelligence officials penned a debunked letter spearheaded by the Biden campaign dismissing Hunter’s laptop as Russian disinformation, prompting Big Tech companies to censor the New York Post and de-platform anyone who shared the story.

Despite this astonishing admission by the DOJ that Hunter’s laptop is indeed real, the mainstream media and the Biden administration continue to peddle lies that the laptop is Russian disinformation.

“The court clearly agrees with the government on the authenticity of the laptop. It has ruled against the defense and will allow it to be introduced into evidence,” George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley noted on Sunday.

“Despite the conclusions of American intelligence and others, the Biden team continued to push the disinformation. That led the Justice Department to tell the court that ‘The defendant’s theory about the laptop is a conspiracy theory with no supporting evidence.’ It added that Hunter’s ‘laptop is real (it will be introduced as a trial exhibit) and it contains significant evidence of the defendant’s guilt.’

“The response from the media has been a collective shrug. Worse yet, many of these same political and media figures continue to support censorship and government regulations of ‘disinformation’ while the government is now acknowledging that they carried off one of the most successful disinformation campaigns in history,” he added.

Hunter’s gun-possession trial in Delaware is scheduled to begin on June 3. He has pleaded not guilty to three felony counts on charges he was on drugs around the time of his gun purchase in October 2018.

Read the court filing:

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