Horst D. Deckert

Dem PAC Drops Cringe Ad Portraying ‘MAGA Republicans’ as Sweaty Anti-Abortion Creeps

The “J.D. Vance is weird” crowd has now reached epic levels of weapons-grade cringe.

A Democrat PAC released a cringeworthy political ad portraying “MAGA Republicans” as creepy sweaty degenerates and religious zealots who want to control women’s bodies.

Classic liberal projection.

The “THESE GUYS ARE JUST WEIRD” ad by Won’t Pac Down shows a series of obvious Biden voters portraying themselves as what they conceive to be typical Trump supporters, creepily explaining how they will outlaw abortion nationwide and control your sex life.


JD Vance and his Project 2025 weirdos want to control your bedroom. Will you let them? pic.twitter.com/JnNbuRzkAH

— Won’t PAC Down (@wontpacdown) July 29, 2024

After Roe v Wade was overturned in 2022, Trump’s stance has been simply to return the issue of abortion to the states in accordance with the Constitution.

It appears the term “weird” has become in vogue for the Democrats, since Kamala Harris and others like Rep. Eric Swalwell (Calif.) recently labeled Trump and his running mate J.D. Vance as “weird” over their pro-life policy stances.

The “J.D. Vance is weird” crowd apparently has zero self-awareness.

“JD Vance is weird” – Team Kamala Harris pic.twitter.com/avMgy4Kp8M

— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) July 28, 2024

“J.D. Vance is weird..” pic.twitter.com/AQzWPZq3nD

— Real Ben Garrison Cartoons (@GrrrGraphics) July 29, 2024

“JD Vance is weird.” pic.twitter.com/mc080DGGiy

— Catturd ™ (@catturd2) July 28, 2024

JD Vance is so weird pic.twitter.com/zlKE1rL75d

— Coddled affluent professional (@feelsdesperate) July 28, 2024

“JD Vance is weird.” pic.twitter.com/OKFM9RehGK

— Kyle Mann (@The_Kyle_Mann) July 29, 2024

JD Vance is so weird. pic.twitter.com/1MAyLFHVdR

— Bad Hombre (@joma_gc) July 29, 2024

“JD Vance is weird” pic.twitter.com/4L7HjT337g

— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) July 28, 2024

Democrats – “J. D. Vance is weird.”

Also Democrats… 👇🤣 pic.twitter.com/u4CeLtQUTR

— Epstein’s Sheet. 🧻 (@meantweeting1) July 29, 2024

“JD Vance is weird.” pic.twitter.com/M6y8BIVUKr

— Catturd ™ (@catturd2) July 28, 2024

“JD Vance is weird.” pic.twitter.com/Jcq8ytsEKh

— 🫃🏼💉🇺🇦🥥Hollaria Briden, Esq. (@HollyBriden) July 29, 2024

Well he did have sex with a couch? Oh,wait that was another completely made up lie. https://t.co/sYHfrXKvSN

— Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) July 29, 2024

The Dems: “J.D. Vance is weird”

Also the Dems: pic.twitter.com/5pjX2m5dQO

— Clandestine (@WarClandestine) July 29, 2024

“JD Vance is weird” pic.twitter.com/IdZQlX0OLj

— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) July 29, 2024

“J.D. Vance is weird. A deplorable, hillbilly even. Ok, Anon?” pic.twitter.com/0cpMHOmF1N

— swêêt savagé (@lovemylife81) July 29, 2024

Democrats: “J.D. Vance is weird.”

Also, Democrats: “I loved the opening ceremony of the Olympics.” pic.twitter.com/hTYr1flU53

— Planet Of Memes (@PlanetOfMemes) July 28, 2024

JD Vance is weird pic.twitter.com/nQx8GEQPXb

— e-beth (@ebeth360) July 29, 2024

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