Horst D. Deckert

EU Embraces Antifa Hammer Attacks in Hungary

The Salis case shows how the left can justify anything in the name of democracy, writes Magyar Hírlap columnist Péter G. Fehér.

Like a drop in the ocean, the European and Hungarian left’s hypocrisy and tolerance for brutality are present in the Salis case. As we know, last February, the far-left Antifa activist Ilaria Salis, together with her fellow activists, carried out two attacks in Budapest during which several people suffered lifelong injuries. The victims were identified as fascists on the basis of their clothing and surveillance, and were nearly beaten to death with hammers.

Salis’ role in the events remains unclear.

Any civilized country would have done as the Hungarian authorities did: One of the perpetrators of the attack was identified, arrested and was to be brought to trial. If the Salis’ trial had been allowed to proceed, her role in the brutal attacks would have been clarified.

Italian citizen Ilaria Salis, who is accused of being a member of the violent Antifa “Hammer gang,” has been elected to the EU parliament and now has immunity through her status as an MEP.

This means she will be released from prison in Hungary, where she is currently standing… pic.twitter.com/YXzG7Fq9XM

— Remix News & Views (@RMXnews) June 11, 2024

However, the trial could not go ahead because of a huge campaign to free Salis, which was launched in Italy. It is painful that even the right-wing Italian government in power in Rome got involved in the Salis case, criticizing the conditions of her detention. The left, of course, went even further, claiming that Salis had to spend her daily life among mice.

In response, in a completely unusual move, the Hungarian authorities showed the cell where Salis was living, where nothing was out of the ordinary. Basically, a normally furnished and hygienic prison cell was revealed. No, it was not furnished like a luxury suite at the Hilton Hotel, but after all, it was a prison for someone accused of vicious assaults.

Eventually, Salis was released from prison, allowed to return home, and checked in with a photo she posted from home. Of course, her father said that his daughter had endured torture. What else could he say when the movement to free Salis in Italy was built on this lie? What those people went through when they were beaten half to death does not seem to have aroused much interest in Italy.

For this very reason, there is a rather disgusting side to the story. Whether said or unsaid, Salis’ martyr role could only be constructed — by “exploding” the falsely established intolerable prison conditions — if it is understood in the context of a background comparison between developed Western Europe and “uncivilized” Hungary, which allegedly does not respect European values.

We are well aware that in the EU, the Western European states do not even consider their favorite Eastern European countries to be their equals. So, in this case, the actual victims were not mentioned, the perpetrators were portrayed as victims, with the appropriate political spin.

If anyone has even the slightest doubt that the left has completely disrupted all elements of normal life, here is a statement by Angelo Bonelli, spokesman for Salis’ AVS party: 

“Salis will fight for democracy, the rule of law and civil rights in Europe, and she will start her work with Hungary,” said Bonelli.

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